Sunday, December 6, 2009

Statehouse Insider: Nestande works on education reforms | | The Desert Sun

Statehouse Insider: Nestande works on education reforms The Desert Sun:

"The governor's disappointment in the Assembly version of the Race to the Top legislation could bring increased importance to Assemblyman Brian Nestande's work on the education committee."

The Palm Desert Republican, vice chairman of the Education Committee, last week announced he's working with legislative colleagues and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on reforms that allow California to compete for its share of $4.35 billion in federal education funding.

Schwarzenegger issued a statement last week after Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, the Education Committee chairwoman, introduced the Assembly's legislative language.

But Schwarzenegger said the bill “doesn't completely embrace the reform culture that President Obama has charged states to adopt.”

Nestande expressed similar concerns.

Of specific concern, he told The Desert Sun, is language he fears would “slow the growth of good charter schools.”

The Assembly legislation is expected to be voted on in committee and on the floor this week.