Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mich. anti-bullying bill could find renewed life with ‘Race to the Top’ � Michigan Messenger

Mich. anti-bullying bill could find renewed life with ‘Race to the Top’ � Michigan Messenger:

"LANSING — State lawmakers say the race to reform Michigan’s school code to qualify for millions in federal “Race to the Top” dollars should include passage of the controversial anti-bullying legislation called Matt’s Law.

“We are working on that,” said Sen. Glenn Anderson, a Westland Democrat. “To see if we can manage to work that into Race to the Top. There is an opportunity there I think that we can get something moving on the anti-bullying legislation by tying it to Race to the Top. And I think it’s a great way to do it.”

And Anderson could be right. According to the executive summary of the grant program, schools will be rewarded with additional points if their grant plan creates “school climates and cultures that remove obstacles to, and actively support, student engagement and achievement.”"