Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dyslexia defined: ‘Uncoupling’ between IQ and reading (re-issue)

Dyslexia defined: ‘Uncoupling’ between IQ and reading (re-issue):

"Washington, Dec 20 (ANI): A new study has provided a validated definition of dyslexia by showing how otherwise bright and intelligent people struggle to read.

Contrary to popular belief, some very smart, accomplished people cannot read well. This unexpected difficulty in reading in relation to intelligence, education and professional status is called dyslexia.

And now researchers at Yale School of Medicine and University of California Davis have presented new data to explain this learning disorder.

“For the first time, we’ve found empirical evidence that shows the relationship between IQ and reading over time differs for typical compared to dyslexic readers,” said Sally E. Shaywitz from Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Paediatrics, and co-director of the newly formed Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity."