Tuesday, December 22, 2009

District Court Takes Up Arizona ELL Case Again - Learning the Language - Education Week

District Court Takes Up Arizona ELL Case Again - Learning the Language - Education Week:

"District Court Takes Up Arizona ELL Case Again

By Mary Ann Zehr

Arizona's long-running federal court case about the education of English-language learners is being considered again in a U.S. district court, according to a story published by Capitol Media Services. (The Arizona Republic also covered the story this week.) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case, Horne v. Flores, in June that the federal district court should take another look at the evidence.

Judge Raner C. Collins of the U.S. district court in Tucson released a brief this week, saying the court would review programs for ELLs statewide, though state lawyers had argued that the court should examine only programs for such students in the Nogales school district, where the case originated."