Friday, December 18, 2009

CPS unveils new rules for school closings :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education

CPS unveils new rules for school closings :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education:

"BY ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter

Since its unveiling five years ago, Mayor Daley's plan to shutter dozens of failing schools and open 100 new ones by 2010 has ignited complaints and even protests.

Now, with the 2010 deadline swiftly approaching, Chicago Schools CEO Ron Huberman has unveiled a proposed 'Student Bill of Rights'' and a new set of closing guidelines that would address some concerns raised by Daley's 'Renaissance 2010' initiative.

During Wednesday's School Board meeting, Huberman also revealed that he would not close any high schools this school year. But he did not rule out using a "turnaround'' model in which all staff at a school could potentially be replaced over a summer.
Under the new closing guidelines, schools would have to miss academic performance targets for two consecutive years to face closure. Some 34 high schools and 47 elementary schools -- including six charter schools -- fell into that category, but several other factors could still spare them from closure.
Other schools could face closure, consolidation or turnaround if they were less than