Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Census Bureau to hire hundreds in Rancho Cordova - Sacramento Business Journal:

Census Bureau to hire hundreds in Rancho Cordova - Sacramento Business Journal::

"Census Bureau to hire hundreds in Rancho Cordova"

The U.S. Census Bureau needs several hundred qualified applicants to work in the Rancho Cordova area in the spring.
The Census Bureau is now accepting sign ups from prospective workers who would like to test for those jobs, beginning in January.
The part-time temporary jobs will be for Census takers and staff for Census offices and questionnaire assistance centers. Field pay starts at $15 per hour.
Most of the jobs require a valid driver’s license and use of a vehicle. The Census Bureau also wants to find some candidates who can speak Spanish, Russian or another language in addition to English.
Prospective employees must take and pass a 30 minute Census test.
Testing will be conducted at several locations in Rancho Cordova, including at City Hall on Prospect Park Drive, the Folsom Cordova Unified School District’s Adult Education Center on Gadsten Way and the Sacramento Works One Stop on Old Placerville Road.
Candidates can sign up for a test by calling the Elk Grove Census office at 1-800-866-2010 and entering their ZIP code. More information, including a practice test, is available online at 2010censusjobs.gov.