Thursday, December 31, 2009

Capitol Alert: California given high marks for charter schools

Capitol Alert: California given high marks for charter schools

California, Minnesota and the District of Columbia are the only school systems to receive "A" grades on their receptivity to charter schools from the Washington-based Center for Education Reform, a pro-charter school organization.
The state-by-state evaluation was released in response to Race to the Top, President Barack Obama'seducation reform initiative that includes more emphasis on charter schools, which are public schools that operate independently of school district administration. Its release also coincides with the stateAssembly's debate this week on how to qualify California for Race to the Top grants, in which expansion of charter schools plays a central role.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, among others, favors lifting a state cap on charter schools but teacher unions are generally reluctant. But without loosening or lifting the cap, California may be ineligible for the new federal grants.
"Every state's education law has certain legal components that play key roles in deciding whether that state does what its law's title suggests