Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cal State gets the wrong number in answering budget crisis --

Cal State gets the wrong number in answering budget crisis --

"Budgets have been slashed so drastically under a governor who has magnified every problem he promised to solve that the Long Beach campus shuts off the phone system to save money."

We seem to be quickly moving toward the day when the once-great Cal State system moves to a three-day week, with academic buildings rented out to storage companies and professors teaching class in parking lots and under trees.

But even so, I was taken aback to hear they might be shutting down phone service at Cal State Long Beach. I drove to the campus to see if it was true.

When I got to the office of Lisa Vollendorf, who runs the Romance, German and Russian department, I noticed that she still had a phone.

"I still have mine, too," said Jeff High, associate professor of German studies, who wasn't sure how much longer he'd be able to make or take calls.