Monday, November 23, 2009

UC Budget Reform Is in Students' Hands - Daily Nexus

UC Budget Reform Is in Students' Hands - Daily Nexus:

"Recently, there’s been a lot of talk on campus about budget cuts and student fees, especially now that the 32 percent increase has been approved by the Regents board. However, let’s back up a little bit and talk about the truth of the matter so that we can learn the best way to move forward, hold the correct people accountable and enact a positive change.

The UCs put themselves into this predicament. They cut a deal back in 2004 with Gov. Schwarzenegger to give him UC money in exchange for the promise of no budget cuts, no cutting back on student enrollment and no unpredictable student fee increases. Schwarzenegger kept up his end of the deal for a few years but eventually let the UC system down. Because the deal did not include California’s legislature, it is hard for offices in Sacramento to create policies that would change the situation to give us more aid."