Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stop Homework » Moms (and Dads) on a Mission – San Anselmo, California

Stop Homework » Moms (and Dads) on a Mission – San Anselmo, California:

"Last year, I posted a piece by Torri Chap­pell, a teacher and mother from San Anselmo, Cal­i­for­nia, who wrote about some of the suc­cess she had had in advo­cat­ing for school reform.

Two weeks ago, the high school in her com­mu­nity hosted a show­ing of Race to Nowhere, a doc­u­men­tary film that I’ve writ­ten about before. (I’m an adviser and appear in the film.). Torri was both­ered by the dis­cus­sion fol­low­ing the screen­ing and sent the fol­low­ing let­ter to her local newspaper."