Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rising Protest Against Dismantling of Higher Ed | California Progress Report

Rising Protest Against Dismantling of Higher Ed California Progress Report:

"Students, faculty and staff at California’s public universities are mounting a new wave of protests against tuition hikes and enrollment cuts this week.

As public opinion of the governor and the legislature’s handling of higher education reaches a record low, concern grows that California is systematically dismantling a system of public higher education that was once the model for the nation.

Student organizations at the University of California plan a three day strike to begin on November 18 to coincide with the meeting of the UC Board of Regents at UCLA. UC student organizations and staff unions are descending on the Regents meeting to protest proposed 32 per cent tuition increases. On November 18 and 19, thousands of UC workers represented by University Professional and Technical Employees, CWA local 9119, plan a two day walkout at several campuses to protest unfair labor practices."