Monday, November 30, 2009

Pricey preschools: Nobody's, everybody's fault

Pricey preschools: Nobody's, everybody's fault:

"It costs $12,000 to $20,000 to send one child to a preschool in San Francisco, a little less if you join a co-op. That's insane."

I'm sure it's not the schools' fault. Schools have to pay San Francisco prices, rent San Francisco space and follow San Francisco regulations. And why shouldn't they reap the benefits of the intense competition that keeps prices high?

I'm sure it's not the regulators' fault. They need to set and enforce the rules that keep our kids safe.

I'm sure it's not the parents' fault. They - we - just want the best for our kids, and we're willing to pay for it if possible.
It's nobody's fault. Which makes it everybody's fault.

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