Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mayhill Fowler: Bittergate: The Untold Story of the 2008 Campaign

Mayhill Fowler: Bittergate: The Untold Story of the 2008 Campaign:

"In the subsequent town hall meeting, Senator Obama did talk about education, as he always does, although for the Levittown and Bristol teachers he wasn't as detailed and specific, or as impassioned, as he can be on the need to improve education in America. He had arrived late at Truman High and was a bit rushed. This may have been one of those missed opportunities to which all campaigns, due to the rigors of the road, succumb. Having followed the Obama Campaign for almost a year, I have come to believe that education is the lodestar for the direction in which Obama wants to take us. The significant moment in Levittown yesterday was Obama's comment that we must be 'willing to sacrifice on the behalf of future generations.' As I've written before, the call to sacrifice has been a chord, at first muted, now louder, in Obama's speeches from the beginning. But Levittown was the first time I've heard him say anything more specific about that sacrifice--and the implications of 'future generations' for a place like Levittown are many and not least in the field of education."