Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's discipline - Letters -

It's discipline - Letters - "

I read the Nov. 9 Point of View article about school suspensions and letters in the paper about it, and I think one of them has the right idea.

I am a student at Chapel Hill High School, and my mother teaches at Jordan High School. I have seen the variety of disciplinary measures that precede suspension.

One letter-writer said that suspension is when the authorities send the student away because they don't know how to deal with him or her, and she's right - suspension is the last resort, after lunch detention, in-school-suspension, after-school detention, letters home, calling of parents, referrals and visits to the principal's office don't work."

After a student has that many chances to reform his or her behavior and doesn't, there is no other option.

But another writer's idea is perfect - it's really the parents who failed to discipline their children and they need to see what little monsters they've been sending in to disrupt my seventh-period algebra class.

Maya Handa

Chapel Hill