Monday, November 16, 2009 To Contribute $25 Towards School Projects for Every Person To Contribute $25 Towards School Projects for Every Person:

"New Partnership Kicks Off American Education Week (November 16-20) with Twitter and Web Contests -- Simply Acknowledging Great Teachers With A Personal Webcam Video Can Help Fund Teacher and Public School Projects Nationwide

NEW YORK, Nov. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- My Teacher, My Hero, a social video-driven site dedicated to honoring teachers, today announced a partnership with, an online charity that makes it easy for 'citizen philanthropists' to help public schools in need. Beginning today - to honor the kickoff of the National Education Association's American Education Week - anyone who posts a video thanking their favorite teacher on during the month of November will receive a $25 'Giving Card' from

The card can then be used towards a donation on the online charity site, which lists requests by schools and individual classrooms across the country for funding special projects and supplies. Just 18 uploaded videos will fully fund the average project budget of $450."