Thursday, November 19, 2009

Davis, UCLA Students Protest UC Fee Hikes, Vote Expected Today | | Sacramento, California | News

Davis, UCLA Students Protest UC Fee Hikes, Vote Expected Today Sacramento, California News:

"DAVIS, CA - UC Davis students angry over a UC Regents plan to raise tuition fees by 32 percent staged a loud protest Thursday, railing against university administration.
Nearly 100 protesters chanted and carried signs inside UCD's Olson Hall around 11 a.m. Thursday.

Despite complaints about the noise, the demonstration was mostly peaceful and no arrests were made.

Under the proposed hike, undergraduate student tuition will cost more than $10,000, not including room, board and books. Some students at UC Davis said they won't be able to afford to return next semester if the fees increase.

'I feel like some people will actually go back to community college to get rid of all their general education,' said UC Davis sophomore Alison More."