Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Coalition for Science After School Members Seek to Increase Quantity and Quality of After School Science Programs

Coalition for Science After School Members Seek to Increase Quantity and Quality of After School Science Programs:

"President Obama announced today the critical need for more and better science education for youth and that schools are incapable of being the only source for the distribution of knowledge. Funds, which will be distributed at the state level, will be given for innovative programs. What is California doing?

(PRWEB) November 23, 2009 -- As the White House announced the 'Education To Innovate' campaign to strengthen America’s economic competitiveness through leadership in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, members of the Coalition for Science Afterschool (CSAS) are providing resources and expertise to enable effective science and math learning in After school."

“You know the success we seek is not going to be attained by government alone,” Mr. Obama said kicking off the initiatives. “It dep on the dedication of students and parents, and the commitment of private citizens, organizations and companies. It dep on all of us.”

Coaltion Steering Committee Member and Director of the Lawrence Hall of Science Elizabeth Stage, who attended the event said “Enrollment has dramatically increased in after school programs, creating a great opportunity to increase the amount of quality science that kids do, yet only half of the afterschool programs we surveyed do science. The problem is not that they don’t want to, the problem is they need materials and training that will allow them to do so effectively.” The Coalition is headquarted at the Lawrence Hall of Science, and the Hall provides key research, resources, and expertise to the organization.

Time Warner Cable (TWC) has partnered with CSAS on their newest and largest philanthropic initiative, “Connect a Million Minds,” which will introduce youth and their parents to important opportunities to increase their excitement and involvment in after school learning opportunies in math and science.