Thursday, October 15, 2009

'USF Steps Up' to Offer Half Price Courses | Reuters

'USF Steps Up' to Offer Half Price Courses Reuters:

"The University of San Francisco, a private Jesuit university, will offer a limited number of general
education courses for half price at its regional campuses starting in January
2010. The courses are offered through USF Steps Up, a new program to help
non-USF students trapped by the devastating budget cuts at California's public
universities and give them the classes they need to graduate.

Budget cuts at the University of California and California State University
systems have resulted in layoffs, course reductions, and higher fees and left
students scrambling for classes, many of which have been cancelled. 'I've
heard heartbreaking stories from my colleagues at state schools,' says
Jennifer Turpin, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of
San Francisco. 'Students are begging to get into classes, but they can't
graduate because they can't get the classes they need. We realized we could
help these students and California by offering these classes at our regional
campuses, where USF already has a presence.'"