Monday, October 19, 2009

This Week In Education: Thompson: To Each His Own Evidence

This Week In Education: Thompson: To Each His Own Evidence:

"Claus von Zastrow, recoiling from educational know-nothingism of recent opinion pieces in the Washington Post and the New York Times, suggested 'pay newspaper pundits for their performance. Pay them only for what they get right, or for judgments based on strong evidence'

What would such a grand bargain look like? Merit evaluations would lead to a quick exit of Jonathan Alter’s opinions. Richard Whitmire might avoid burnout and only seeing the worst in educators as a mentor refreshed his memory about journalism's best practices. Also with a little mentoring, Jay Mathews could assess the unhappy sides of stories as well as the uplifting, and I suspect he would rise into the top quintile. But if we evaluate on cold hard accuracy, the top bonuses would go to Gerald Bracey, and think of how blunt Bracey would be after receiving the full recognition he deserves."