Monday, October 5, 2009

Right-wing media's relentless attacks supported by flagrant falsehoods | Media Matters for America

Right-wing media's relentless attacks supported by flagrant falsehoods Media Matters for America:

"Fox News, others ran with falsehood that Jennings 'cover[ed] up statutory rape.' In a September 28 editorial, The Washington Times accused Jennings, described in the editorial as 'safe school czar,' of 'encourag[ing]' a relationship that amounted to 'statutory rape' by suggesting that his only response to an underage student's revelation that he had sex with what the Times described as an 'older man' was to 'make sure 'to use a condom.' ' Fox News' website linked to the Times editorial with the headline 'Did 'Safe School Czar' Encourage Statutory Rape?' Subsequently, on September 30, The Fox Nation posted the following headline:"