Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Perfection may be President Obama's biggest flaw

Perfection may be President Obama's biggest flaw:

"If, as the saying goes, the perfect is the enemy of the good, then Barack Obama is his own worst enemy. That becomes clear in the upcoming HBO documentary 'By the People: The Election of Barack Obama,' which is the product of many months of behind-the-scenes access to Obama during the presidential campaign. It reveals that Barack Obama is pretty close to the most perfect person you will never get to know.

This is what he does not do in the course of the primary and general election campaigns: He does not lose his temper. He does not curse. He does not follow a pretty woman with his eyes or sneak a smoke. He does not dress sloppily. He is always calm and always good-natured and gets emotional only once - the day his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, the woman who in effect raised him, died in Hawaii. At a campaign event in North Carolina, he expressed his love and gratitude. He cried and, watching, I did, too."