Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Lumberjack - A Call For Priorities

The Lumberjack - A Call For Priorities:

"WTF? Where’s the funding? Nearly 50 HSU students and faculty members banded together at the “Where’s the Funding?” rally this past Wednesday in the Art Quad asking this question. They huddled beneath umbrellas in the pouring rain to protest CSU system-wide fee hikes, furlough days, and overcrowded classrooms.

Amid chants of, “They say cutbacks! We say fight back!” and, “Educate! Don’t incarcerate!” the group marched from the art quad down to the SBS building to spreading its message during lunch. Students and faculty members handed out fliers and waved signs calling for change. “Your priorities have been misplaced Mr. Governor,” read one sign."

HSU Biology Professor and chair of Faculty Rights Committee Milt Boyd looked angry and saddened. He said the increase in fees decreased educational opportunities for students. He urges the community to protest the lack of funding, the 32 percent increase in tuition, and bigger classes with fewer lecturers.

Boyd is a product of the California public school system, and has taught at HSU since 1972. “CSU systems are in serious crisis, which involves the future of students and the future of the state,” said Boyd. “We have the most powerful armed forces in the world, but we are nothing without the caring and compassionate nature of educated students.” As for the torrential downpour during the protest? “The rain won’t stop us, we’re Humboldters,” said Boyd.