Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lamar Alexander to Barack Obama: No 'enemies list' - Mike Allen -

Lamar Alexander to Barack Obama: No 'enemies list' - Mike Allen -

"Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) accused the White House on Wednesday of 'street-brawling' with opponents, and said the West Wing's strategy of freezing out opponents amounts to a latter-day 'enemies list,' a reference to an infamous practice of President Richard Nixon.

'An 'enemies list' only denigrates the Presidency and the Republic itself,' Alexander said on the Senate floor. 'These are unusually difficult times, with plenty of forces encouraging us to disagree. Let’s not start calling people out and compiling an enemies list. Let’s push the street-brawling out of the White House and work together on the truly presidential issues: creating jobs, reducing health care costs, reducing the debt, creating clean energy.'

Alexander quoted from a POLITICO article headlined 'White House plan: Neuter the Chamber.'"