Monday, October 5, 2009

KCBS - Educators Say Future is Bleak for CA Schools

KCBS - Educators Say Future is Bleak for CA Schools: "SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCBS) -

California education leaders today painted a bleak picture of the future, as they asked Governor Schwarzenegger to restore a small piece of their budget.
They're actually only asking for $700,000.

When parents send their children to school, they assume the teacher has, essentially, a roadmap of what to teach for the year and how to do it. However, right now, that roadmap is 9 years old and because of an obscure Assembly bill signed by the governor, the state won't be able to update that framework until 2013.

The savings to the state amounts to roughly $705,000 each year."

"No new curriculum frameworks will be developed," explained California Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell. "It's the standards, what we want our students to know, the frameworks of how we want them to learn and to understand."