Sunday, October 11, 2009

HeraldNet: Schools often lack resources to combat bullying

HeraldNet: Schools often lack resources to combat bullying:

"WASHINGTON — At Vivian Elementary School in Lakewood, Colo., about 12 miles from the site of the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School, students spend about an hour once a week talking about bullies, and what to do when they see one.

Every child from kindergarten through sixth grade — and all the adults in the school — learn how to identify bullying behaviors and how to stand up to a bully without inflaming the situation.

“This is the culture of our school,” said social worker Molly Lacy. “Safety is our big concern. We give the children tools so that they have the ability to problem solve most situations, but they are also comfortable asking an adult for help.”"