Saturday, October 17, 2009

2,100 volunteers to give H1N1 shots | | The Cincinnati Enquirer

2,100 volunteers to give H1N1 shots The Cincinnati Enquirer:

"Volunteer nurses, doctors, pharmacists and regular folks will give a massive H1N1 flu vaccination campaign a shot in the arm."

The Tristate Medical Reserve Corps, which includes some 2,100 volunteers, has been called up to help get the vaccinations to everyone who wants one.

The volunteers will help health departments at large-scale vaccination clinics at schools and other sites.

If necessary, they will also staff alternate care sites set up to handle overflow from local hospitals or to help determine which patients need emergency medical care, said Jared Warner, regional director of the Tristate Medical Corps.

Some health departments just don't have enough qualified employees to quickly vaccinate the tens of thousands of people who might want the vaccine.