Sunday, October 4, 2009

$1.1 million to CSU campus for rural teacher training - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

$1.1 million to CSU campus for rural teacher training - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News Sacramento Bee:

"A program at California State University, Chico, has been granted $1.1 million from the federal government to train new teachers to work in rural schools.

Chico State is one of 28 colleges around the country � and four in California � to receive the U.S. Department of Education grants intended to improve teaching in needy schools.

The grants 'will improve students' academic achievement by strengthening teacher preparation, training and effectiveness and help school districts attract potential educators from a wide-range of professional backgrounds,' U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement.

Chico State will use the funds for its Collaboration for Student Achievement in Rural Schools project."