Wednesday, September 23, 2009

UC Walkout: Trapped in a Partisan Cul-de-Sac? : Indybay

UC Walkout: Trapped in a Partisan Cul-de-Sac? : Indybay:

"Proponents of a UC walkout tomorrow have yet to place the reasons for the crisis of the UC system in a broader, national context.

Tomorrow, many faculty throughout the University of California system will participate in a walkout on the first day of class. After raising registration fees, known elsewhere as tuition, 9.3% in May, UC President Mark Yudof has recommended an additional 30% increase to fully take effect by the fall of 2010. UC campuses have already laid off 884 employees, and plan to lay off an additional 1,006 more. Most employees that remain are now participating in a furlough plan that will result in salary reductions between 4% and 10%."