Thursday, September 24, 2009

City Brights: John Laird : This Fall's Latest Reality Series - Arnie vs. Meg

City Brights: John Laird : This Fall's Latest Reality Series - Arnie vs. Meg:

"In his first minutes in office he did cut the 'car tax'. By the next year, Schwarzenegger cut education by billions of dollars. Budget deficits have plagued the Governor during his entire term. This year he raised taxes, pushed the 'car tax' part way back up, and sharply cut education funding again. Virtually every one of his original budget promises had fallen by the wayside.

As he signed the latest budget this past summer, the Governor completed a process of making some very hard choices. One of the results was to knock 700,000 kids off health insurance. Before it actually happened, he softened his no tax pledge, and yesterday signed a bill to save the health coverage for those kids."