Monday, August 31, 2009

Nonreligious Private Schools Spend More Per Student Than Others, Study Shows -

Nonreligious Private Schools Spend More Per Student Than Others, Study Shows -

"The secular private schools analyzed in the study spent $20,100 on each student in the 2007-08 school year vs. $10,100 in public schools. Nonparochial Catholic schools tended to spend roughly the same as public schools. (Parochial schools were not included in the study because their tax data are not publicly available and because their finances are so tied to those of the Catholic Church.) Members of two of the largest associations of Christian schools spent $7,100 -- several thousand dollars less per student than their public peers.

Per-student spending in the Washington region's public schools ranged from $10,400 to $19,300 that year, according to a Washington Area Boards of Education report, although public schools account for their spending differently from private schools, and numbers are difficult to compare directly."