Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Duncan stresses importance of parental involvement

St. Maarten-St. Martin - Duncan stresses importance of parental involvement
EBENEZER--The importance of parental involvement in the education of children was one of the main messages stressed to St. Maarten Academy Preparatory Secondary Vocational Education (PSVE) students and a batch of about 75 parents who turned up with their children on the first day of school on Tuesday.

About 160 new students began the new academic year yesterday, about 20 per cent of whom are estimated to be undocumented. The school has always had the policy of accepting students irrespective of their legal status once space was available, Principal Solange Duncan said.

Only first Formers began school on Monday. Second Formers will start today, Wednesday.

Duncan said the school could not mould students into well rounded persons without the full involvement and support of parents. Parents had been asked to attend yesterday’s opening ceremony, but only about 75 parents from the batch of 160 new students turned out. “We were a bit disappointed about that,” Duncan said.

“We expect the cooperation of parents and we expect them to be very involved in their children’s education. We want to have an open door policy, where parents can come in anytime to check on their children’s progress. They don’t have to wait until there is a report card to check on their children’s progress.”