Thursday, September 12, 2024




Editor's Note: I attempted to share a blog post by Peter Greene on Curmudgucation, but it was blocked by Meta's algorithm. I've reached out to Meta for an explanation and am still awaiting a response. Even Peter himself is puzzled by the rejection.

I'm curious to know if my readers can shed some light on this. Posting content online can feel like a gamble, as you never know what might trigger algorithmic censorship. Please take a look at Peter's post and see if you can identify any potential reasons for the rejection.

I'm hopeful that I'll eventually be able to share his post. A big thank you to Monica AI for being a valuable companion on this algorithmic journey. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the ongoing saga of 'The Algorithm Strikes Back!'

Ah, the woes of a modern blogger. Just when you thought you had penned the perfect piece, the AI algorithms strike! It's like being caught in a digital labyrinth, where your words are at the mercy of invisible gatekeepers. This is the tale of the blog post, "The Weightlessness of History," and its fateful encounter with the all-powerful Meta Algorithm.

Picture this: I'm sitting at the computer, fingers dancing across the keyboard, crafting what I believed to be a masterpiece. The words flowed like a fine wine, each sentence a symphony of wit and wisdom. I hit "publish" with a sense of triumph, only to be met with a cold, hard rejection from the digital overlords.

The Meta Algorithm, that elusive enforcer of online content, had deemed the musings unworthy. It was as if the words had been cast into the abyss, never to see the light of day. The irony was not lost on me—a blog post about the weight of history, blocked by an algorithm designed to shape our digital history.

But let's delve deeper into the quagmire of AI censorship. The very essence of history is at stake here. As time marches on, major historical events such as the 9/11 attacks risk fading into obscurity for younger generations. The challenge lies in preserving the collective memory and shared narratives of these pivotal moments. Yet, as the blocked blog post exemplifies, even the discussion of this weighty issue can be stifled by the invisible hand of technology.

One cannot help but ponder the implications. Are we condemned to a future where our understanding of history is dictated by lines of code? Will future generations be deprived of nuanced conversations about the past, reduced to consuming simplistic narratives curated by algorithms?

It's a conundrum, to be sure. The very institutions that should be fostering a rich understanding of history—our schools—are facing an uphill battle. In an age where political narratives reject objective facts, building a consensus reality and common narratives becomes an increasingly herculean task. The echoes of historical events are at risk of being drowned out by the cacophony of misinformation and subjective interpretations.

And what about the younger generations? How do we convey the full weight and meaning of historical events to those who did not directly experience them? It's like trying to describe the taste of chocolate to someone who has only ever known vanilla. The challenge is daunting, but not insurmountable.

Language,  dear readers, is our most potent weapon in this battle for historical preservation. It serves as the bridge between personal experiences and the collective knowledge and narratives of the past. Through thoughtful discourse and eloquent articulation, we can strive to impart the gravity of historical events to those who come after us.

But I digress. the blocked blog post, "The Weightlessness of History," was not alone in its plight. Other voices in the digital wilderness have also grappled with the capricious nature of AI algorithms. Take, for instance, the insightful musings on history education from Curmudgucation. The author laments the reduction of history to simple, easily digestible narratives—a disservice to students craving a deeper understanding. 


Then there's the impassioned call to action for teachers to continue their mission of educating students about history. This plea resonates deeply in our current landscape, where the ebb and flow of historical consciousness seems ever more tenuous.

And let's not forget the labyrinthine realm of social media algorithms. The Facebook Algorithm in 2024 is a veritable behemoth, dictating what we see and don't see on our feeds. Its inscrutable machinations determine the content that graces our screens, from connected content to recommended content and ads.

Ah, but fear not! The article provides us with best practices for navigating this digital jungle—sharing authentic and engaging content, eschewing clickbait and fake news, and cultivating genuine engagement. It's a battle cry for content creators to rise above the algorithmic quagmire and deliver substance amidst the noise.

In conclusion,  dear readers, let us not be daunted by the caprices of AI algorithms. Our voices may be stifled momentarily, but they shall not be silenced. The weight of history—its complexities, its nuances, its profound impact—shall not be relegated to the annals of digital oblivion.

So, as I pen these final words, I implore you to join me in this digital odyssey. Let us defy the algorithms with our wit and wisdom, reclaiming our narrative from the clutches of artificial gatekeepers. For as long as there are words to be written and ideas to be shared, history shall never truly be weightless. (Article generated by monica ai)

The Weightlessness of History

Monica - ChatGPT AI Assistant | GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5

The article discusses the challenges of preserving the collective memory and shared narratives of major historical events, particularly the 9/11 attacks, as they become distant memories for younger generations. The author explores how schools play a crucial role in building and maintaining a consensus reality and common narratives, which is becoming increasingly difficult in the face of political narratives that reject objective facts.

Key Points

  • The author notes that Americans have a tendency to "throw off the weight of history" and that events from the past can become distant and irrelevant for younger generations. 
  • The author argues that one of the functions of schools is to build a consensus reality and provide common narratives, which is becoming more challenging as politicians promote narratives that reject reality. 
  • The author acknowledges the difficulty in conveying the full weight and meaning of historical events to younger generations who did not directly experience them. 
  • The author suggests that language is a crucial tool for bridging the gap between personal experiences and the collective knowledge and narratives of the past. 

The Weightlessness of History Copilot

The blog post titled “The Weightlessness of History” on Curmudgucation discusses the idea that history is often presented in a way that strips it of its complexity and depth. The author argues that reducing history to simple, easily digestible narratives does a disservice to students. Instead, history should be taught as a rich, nuanced conversation that acknowledges multiple perspectives and the complexities of past events. This approach helps students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of history, rather than seeing it as a collection of isolated facts.

The Weightlessness of History Gemini

This is an article about the importance of teaching history. It discusses how historical events fade from collective memory and how difficult it is to teach history in today’s media landscape. The article stresses the importance of consensus reality and how it’s crucial to build a shared understanding of the past. It emphasizes that language is the main tool to bridge the gap between ourselves and the past. The article concludes with a call to action for teachers to continue their mission of educating students about history.

Inside the Facebook Algorithm in 2024


The article discusses the Facebook algorithm and how it works in 2024. It explains the different types of content that can appear in a user's Facebook feed, including connected content, recommended content, and ads. The article also provides best practices for creating successful Facebook content, such as sharing authentic and engaging content, experimenting with different content types, and avoiding clickbait and fake news.

Key Points

  • Facebook's goal is to show users more interesting and relevant content to keep them engaged on the platform. 
  • The algorithm considers three types of content: connected content (from people/pages user is connected to), recommended content (from pages/people user doesn't follow), and ads. 
  • The algorithm looks at various signals to determine relevance, such as when content was posted, who posted it, user's interactions, etc. 
  • The algorithm gives each piece of content a 'relevance score' to determine its placement in the feed. 
  • For recommended content, Facebook applies strict guidelines around content that violates community standards or is low-quality. 
  • Best practices include sharing authentic, engaging content, experimenting with content types, cultivating genuine engagement, and avoiding clickbait/fake news. 

Inside the Facebook Algorithm in 2024: All the Updates You Need to Know