Thursday, September 19, 2024




Once upon a time in a land far, far away (well, actually just in Reno, Nevada), the Murdoch family found themselves embroiled in a juicy, scandalous, and downright hilarious feud over the possession of the Fox fake news and lies. It was like a real-life soap opera, complete with luxury SUVs, secret court documents, and a whole lot of drama.

The saga began when the New York Times got their hands on a confidential court document, exposing the family's dirty laundry for all to see. The court hearings were shrouded in secrecy, closed off to the media and the public, but that didn't stop a swarm of journalists and camera crews from descending upon Reno's Second Judicial Courthouse to catch a glimpse of the Murdoch clan.

The scene was straight out of a reality TV show as the billionaire siblings—James, Prudence, and Elisabeth—rolled up in separate vehicles, accompanied by their significant others. Rupert and Lachlan arrived in a separate convoy, with Rupert sporting his new wife Elena Zhukova on his arm and Lachlan accompanied by his wife, Sarah Murdoch.

As the family members made their way into the courthouse, they were bombarded with questions from the press, but they remained tight-lipped, adding to the air of mystery and intrigue surrounding the whole affair.

According to the court documents, Rupert was hell-bent on keeping his media empire a politically conservative force even after his demise. He was concerned that a lack of consensus among his offspring could lead to a potential reorientation of editorial policy and content at his companies, including Fox News and various newspapers around the world.

The Murdoch empire included News Corp, which boasted an impressive portfolio of media outlets such as The Australian newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, and The Sun, as well as Fox Corp, home to Fox News and Fox Sports. The family trust, set up 25 years ago, held the key to the future of these media behemoths.

Lachlan, currently the CEO and executive chair of Fox Corp, found himself at odds with his siblings over the direction of the family trust. It was a classic case of sibling rivalry with a multibillion-dollar twist. James, known for his liberal leanings, had already resigned from News Corp's board in 2020 due to disagreements over climate coverage. Elisabeth and Prudence were also reportedly not on the same page as Lachlan when it came to the company's politics.

The trust's members extended beyond just the four siblings to include Rupert's youngest daughters from his third marriage, Grace and Chloe. With so many players involved, it was like a high-stakes game of Monopoly, except instead of Park Place and Boardwalk, they were fighting over control of media conglomerates.

The courtroom showdown promised to be a spectacle of epic proportions, with Rupert arguing that keeping Lachlan in control was crucial to maintaining the companies' commercial value. He wanted to avoid any future leadership disputes that could potentially harm the Murdoch media empire. It was like a real-life game of thrones, only with fewer dragons and more legal jargon.

As the legal battle raged on behind closed doors, media outlets clamored to get a peek at the confidential documents and have the court hearings opened to the public. Even a Nevada-based organization dedicated to monitoring the state's judges and courts tried to pry open the doors of secrecy surrounding the case. It was like everyone wanted a front-row seat to the greatest family drama of the century.

Meanwhile, back in Australia, where News Corp owned a significant chunk of the media landscape, former prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull were calling for an inquiry into the Murdoch media empire. The drama wasn't just confined to the courtroom; it had spilled over into the political arena, making for an even more entertaining spectacle.

As the days turned into weeks and the legal battle dragged on, rumors swirled about the family's fractured relationships. James was reportedly not on speaking terms with Lachlan or Rupert. He had even skipped out on Rupert's wedding to Elena Zhukova, adding another layer of intrigue to an already convoluted plot.

The whole affair had captured the public's imagination, with everyone eagerly awaiting the next twist in this real-life telenovela. It was like "Keeping Up with the Murdochs," except instead of petty squabbles over designer handbags, it was all about power struggles and corporate empires.

And so, as the saga continued to unfold in all its absurd glory, one thing was for certain—the Murdoch family feud had all the makings of a blockbuster movie. With its larger-than-life characters, high-stakes drama, and enough scandal to make even the most seasoned tabloid journalist blush, it was a story that had captured the world's attention.

As for who would ultimately emerge victorious in this battle for control of the Fox fake news and lies? Well, only time would tell. But one thing was for sure—the Murdoch family feud was one for the history books, a tale of power, politics, and plenty of popcorn-worthy entertainment. And as long as there were secrets to be uncovered and drama to be had, the world would be watching with bated breath for the next jaw-dropping twist in this larger-than-life family saga.

Rupert Murdoch's family feud over future of News Corp and Fox plays out in Nevada court - ABC News 

The secret battle for Rupert Murdoch’s empire has begun 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024




Hey there, fellow cool cats and kittens! It's your girl Emily Jacob Madison, here to spill the tea on why all us Gen-Zers are totally vibing with Kamala Harris. So grab your avocado toast and get ready to dive into this spicy topic, because we're about to break it down like never before.

First off, let's talk about why Kamala has got us all shook. I mean, have you seen her slay those debates? She's out there dropping truth bombs and taking names like a boss. And let's not forget her killer shoe game – seriously, those kicks are fire! Plus, she's breaking barriers left and right, and that's something we can all get behind.

But it's not just Kamala's incredible vibe that's got us all in her corner. It's also her commitment to keeping it 100. She's all about being genuine, authentic, and honest in all situations, and that's a major mood for us Gen-Zers. We're all about keeping it real and standing up for what we believe in, and Kamala is right there with us.

And speaking of standing up for what we believe in, Kamala is totally Gucci when it comes to fighting for important issues. From climate change to racial justice, she's been out there putting in the work to make a real difference. And let's be real – that's something we can all respect.

Now, I know some folks out there might be sleeping on Kamala, but trust me when I say she's the real deal. She's not here to play games – well, unless we're talking about video games, because I hear she's lowkey a pro at those too. But when it comes to politics, she's all about getting things done and making moves.

And let's not forget about Kamala's killer squad. I mean, have you seen her ride-or-die crew? They're out there making moves and showing everyone what it means to be a boss. It's like they're caught in 4K – there's no denying that they're a force to be reckoned with.

But hey, if you're still feeling a little salty about jumping on the Kamala train, just remember that it's all good. We're all about keeping an open mind and having real conversations about the issues that matter. So if you've got questions or concerns, feel free to speak up – we're all ears!

In the end, whether you're highkey or lowkey feeling the Kamala vibes, one thing's for sure: she's got our vote. So let's bet on a brighter future and keep it 100 by supporting a candidate who's ready to make some real change. It's time to yeet the negativity out the door and get ready for a new era of leadership.

So there you have it, folks! Kamala Harris is the real deal, and us Gen-Zers are here for it. So let's cook up some positive change and show the world what we're all about. It's time to make our voices heard and bet on a future that we can all be proud of.

Until next time, stay woke and keep it Gucci! Peace out, fam!

Everything You Need to Vote - 

Kamala Harris for President: Official Campaign Website


Monica - Your AI Copilot powered by ChatGPT4 - Chrome Web Store 

Thursday, September 12, 2024




Editor's Note: I attempted to share a blog post by Peter Greene on Curmudgucation, but it was blocked by Meta's algorithm. I've reached out to Meta for an explanation and am still awaiting a response. Even Peter himself is puzzled by the rejection.

I'm curious to know if my readers can shed some light on this. Posting content online can feel like a gamble, as you never know what might trigger algorithmic censorship. Please take a look at Peter's post and see if you can identify any potential reasons for the rejection.

I'm hopeful that I'll eventually be able to share his post. A big thank you to Monica AI for being a valuable companion on this algorithmic journey. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the ongoing saga of 'The Algorithm Strikes Back!'

Ah, the woes of a modern blogger. Just when you thought you had penned the perfect piece, the AI algorithms strike! It's like being caught in a digital labyrinth, where your words are at the mercy of invisible gatekeepers. This is the tale of the blog post, "The Weightlessness of History," and its fateful encounter with the all-powerful Meta Algorithm.

Picture this: I'm sitting at the computer, fingers dancing across the keyboard, crafting what I believed to be a masterpiece. The words flowed like a fine wine, each sentence a symphony of wit and wisdom. I hit "publish" with a sense of triumph, only to be met with a cold, hard rejection from the digital overlords.

The Meta Algorithm, that elusive enforcer of online content, had deemed the musings unworthy. It was as if the words had been cast into the abyss, never to see the light of day. The irony was not lost on me—a blog post about the weight of history, blocked by an algorithm designed to shape our digital history.

But let's delve deeper into the quagmire of AI censorship. The very essence of history is at stake here. As time marches on, major historical events such as the 9/11 attacks risk fading into obscurity for younger generations. The challenge lies in preserving the collective memory and shared narratives of these pivotal moments. Yet, as the blocked blog post exemplifies, even the discussion of this weighty issue can be stifled by the invisible hand of technology.

One cannot help but ponder the implications. Are we condemned to a future where our understanding of history is dictated by lines of code? Will future generations be deprived of nuanced conversations about the past, reduced to consuming simplistic narratives curated by algorithms?

It's a conundrum, to be sure. The very institutions that should be fostering a rich understanding of history—our schools—are facing an uphill battle. In an age where political narratives reject objective facts, building a consensus reality and common narratives becomes an increasingly herculean task. The echoes of historical events are at risk of being drowned out by the cacophony of misinformation and subjective interpretations.

And what about the younger generations? How do we convey the full weight and meaning of historical events to those who did not directly experience them? It's like trying to describe the taste of chocolate to someone who has only ever known vanilla. The challenge is daunting, but not insurmountable.

Language,  dear readers, is our most potent weapon in this battle for historical preservation. It serves as the bridge between personal experiences and the collective knowledge and narratives of the past. Through thoughtful discourse and eloquent articulation, we can strive to impart the gravity of historical events to those who come after us.

But I digress. the blocked blog post, "The Weightlessness of History," was not alone in its plight. Other voices in the digital wilderness have also grappled with the capricious nature of AI algorithms. Take, for instance, the insightful musings on history education from Curmudgucation. The author laments the reduction of history to simple, easily digestible narratives—a disservice to students craving a deeper understanding. 


Then there's the impassioned call to action for teachers to continue their mission of educating students about history. This plea resonates deeply in our current landscape, where the ebb and flow of historical consciousness seems ever more tenuous.

And let's not forget the labyrinthine realm of social media algorithms. The Facebook Algorithm in 2024 is a veritable behemoth, dictating what we see and don't see on our feeds. Its inscrutable machinations determine the content that graces our screens, from connected content to recommended content and ads.

Ah, but fear not! The article provides us with best practices for navigating this digital jungle—sharing authentic and engaging content, eschewing clickbait and fake news, and cultivating genuine engagement. It's a battle cry for content creators to rise above the algorithmic quagmire and deliver substance amidst the noise.

In conclusion,  dear readers, let us not be daunted by the caprices of AI algorithms. Our voices may be stifled momentarily, but they shall not be silenced. The weight of history—its complexities, its nuances, its profound impact—shall not be relegated to the annals of digital oblivion.

So, as I pen these final words, I implore you to join me in this digital odyssey. Let us defy the algorithms with our wit and wisdom, reclaiming our narrative from the clutches of artificial gatekeepers. For as long as there are words to be written and ideas to be shared, history shall never truly be weightless. (Article generated by monica ai)

The Weightlessness of History

Monica - ChatGPT AI Assistant | GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5

The article discusses the challenges of preserving the collective memory and shared narratives of major historical events, particularly the 9/11 attacks, as they become distant memories for younger generations. The author explores how schools play a crucial role in building and maintaining a consensus reality and common narratives, which is becoming increasingly difficult in the face of political narratives that reject objective facts.

Key Points

  • The author notes that Americans have a tendency to "throw off the weight of history" and that events from the past can become distant and irrelevant for younger generations. 
  • The author argues that one of the functions of schools is to build a consensus reality and provide common narratives, which is becoming more challenging as politicians promote narratives that reject reality. 
  • The author acknowledges the difficulty in conveying the full weight and meaning of historical events to younger generations who did not directly experience them. 
  • The author suggests that language is a crucial tool for bridging the gap between personal experiences and the collective knowledge and narratives of the past. 

The Weightlessness of History Copilot

The blog post titled “The Weightlessness of History” on Curmudgucation discusses the idea that history is often presented in a way that strips it of its complexity and depth. The author argues that reducing history to simple, easily digestible narratives does a disservice to students. Instead, history should be taught as a rich, nuanced conversation that acknowledges multiple perspectives and the complexities of past events. This approach helps students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of history, rather than seeing it as a collection of isolated facts.

The Weightlessness of History Gemini

This is an article about the importance of teaching history. It discusses how historical events fade from collective memory and how difficult it is to teach history in today’s media landscape. The article stresses the importance of consensus reality and how it’s crucial to build a shared understanding of the past. It emphasizes that language is the main tool to bridge the gap between ourselves and the past. The article concludes with a call to action for teachers to continue their mission of educating students about history.

Inside the Facebook Algorithm in 2024


The article discusses the Facebook algorithm and how it works in 2024. It explains the different types of content that can appear in a user's Facebook feed, including connected content, recommended content, and ads. The article also provides best practices for creating successful Facebook content, such as sharing authentic and engaging content, experimenting with different content types, and avoiding clickbait and fake news.

Key Points

  • Facebook's goal is to show users more interesting and relevant content to keep them engaged on the platform. 
  • The algorithm considers three types of content: connected content (from people/pages user is connected to), recommended content (from pages/people user doesn't follow), and ads. 
  • The algorithm looks at various signals to determine relevance, such as when content was posted, who posted it, user's interactions, etc. 
  • The algorithm gives each piece of content a 'relevance score' to determine its placement in the feed. 
  • For recommended content, Facebook applies strict guidelines around content that violates community standards or is low-quality. 
  • Best practices include sharing authentic, engaging content, experimenting with content types, cultivating genuine engagement, and avoiding clickbait/fake news. 

Inside the Facebook Algorithm in 2024: All the Updates You Need to Know 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The New American Privateers: Privatization for Profit


The New American Privateers

Privatization for Profit

The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers: Cowen, Josh: 9781682539101: Books Josh Cowen @joshcowenMSU on X

Josh Cowen's book The Privateers is coming out this week. I've already got my copy, and you should get a copy of your own, because the book has a lot of insights into the voucher debates as they currently stand. Peter Greene Curmudgucation

In the early days of the United States, the government had a cunning plan to deal with enemy vessels: commission privateers to attack and plunder them. These privateers were essentially legalized pirates, operating under the auspices of the state and corporate investors. The government didn't have to spend a dime, and the investors were hoping to make a tidy profit from the spoils of maritime warfare. It was a win-win situation, unless you happened to be on the receiving end of a privateer's cannon fire.

Privateering was the ultimate in cost-effective warfare. Instead of footing the bill for naval officers and ships, the government simply handed out letters of marque to corporate entities, essentially outsourcing piracy to the private sector. The investors were in it for the money, not for any sense of patriotism. Many of these privateers were nothing more than glorified pirates, with a fancy letter of marque as their get-out-of-jail-free card.

Fast forward to modern times, and the spirit of privateering lives on in a new form. No longer do we see ships laden with cannons and cutlasses; instead, we have corporate entities armed with spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. These modern-day privateers are not raiding ships or donning eye patches, but they are just as ruthless in their pursuit of profit. Their target? Public institutions. It's called privatization, and it's the 21st-century version of plundering.

Privatization is the act of putting public services into private hands, all in the name of free-market regulation. The New American Privateers have set their sights on every aspect of public life, from safety and education to parks and public buildings. They swoop in, take control, and either run these services for profit or simply let them wither away.

Take, for example, the recent headline about firefighters in rural Tennessee standing idly by as a home burned to the ground because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee. This is privatization in action: if you can't pay, you don't get the service. It's the ultimate "user pays" system, where everything comes with a price tag, even your safety.

The argument put forth by these modern-day privateers is that user fees are necessary to keep taxes low. But what they conveniently forget to mention is that when you add up all these user fees, you end up paying a whole lot more than you would have in taxes. It's a classic bait-and-switch, and we're all left holding the bag.

In the realm of education, the privateers have launched a full-scale assault on "failing schools" and "bad teachers." Their corporate leaders and venture philanthropists are on a mission to dismantle public education and teachers' unions in favor of applying the free market principles that have worked so well in firefighting (or so they claim).

Back in 1856, the Declaration of Paris declared that "Privateering is and remains abolished." But the United States decided not to sign on the dotted line. Fast forward to today, and it's clear why: the New American Privateers are alive and well, privatizing America for the benefit of their corporate overlords.

The big question is: who's going to stop them? It's a battle between profit and public good, and right now, it seems like profit is winning. But history has shown us that even the most formidable privateers can be defeated. It just takes a concerted effort and a willingness to stand up for what's right.

So let's raise our metaphorical Jolly Roger and set sail against these modern-day privateers. Let's fight for public services that benefit everyone, not just those who can afford to pay. It's time to send these profiteers packing and reclaim what's rightfully ours: a society that values the common good over corporate gain.

The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers: Cowen, Josh: 9781682539101: Books

#1 New Release in Education Reform & Policy

The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers: Cowen, Josh: 9781682539101: Books

A deep-dive investigation of education privatization that reveals voucher programs as the faulty products of decades of work by wealthy patrons and influential conservatives

In The Privateers, Josh Cowen lays bare the surprising history of tax-funded school choice programs in the United States and warns of the dangers of education privatization. A former evaluator of state and local school voucher programs, Cowen demonstrates how, as such programs have expanded in the United States, so too has the evidence-informed case against them. 

This thought-provoking work traces the origins of voucher-based education reform to mid-twentieth-century fears over school desegregation. It shows how, in the intervening decades, a cabal of billionaire conservatives supporting a host of special political interests—including economic libertarianism, religious choice, and parental rights—have converged around the issue of education freedom in an ongoing culture war. Through deliberate policymaking, legislation, and litigation, Cowen reveals, an insular advocacy network has enacted a flawed system for education finance driven largely by dogma.

Far from realizing the purported goal of educational equity, privatization is failing students and exacerbating income inequality, Cowen finds. He cites multiple research studies that conclude that voucher programs return poorer academic outcomes, including lower test scores on state exams, especially among students who are at greater academic risk because of their race, their religion, their gender identity, or their family’s income. Continued advancement of these policies, Cowen argues, is an assault on public education as a defining American institution.

The Privateers: How Billionaires Created a Culture War and Sold School Vouchers: Cowen, Josh: 9781682539101: Books



Wednesday, September 4, 2024





Ah, the familiar sound of gunshots echoing through the halls of a high school. It's the first major school shooting of the season, folks! Can you feel the excitement in the air? No? Me neither.

Once again, we find ourselves in the all-too-familiar cycle of tragedy and despair. Another senseless act of violence has shattered the lives of students, parents, and educators at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. It's a heartbreaking reminder that our society has yet to come to grips with the epidemic of gun violence in our schools.

The details are still unfolding, but one thing is clear: the casualties have been reported, and our hearts go out to those affected. It's a grim reality that we seem to face with alarming frequency, and it begs the question: when will it stop?

But don't worry, folks, thoughts and prayers are on the way! Because we all know that's the most effective way to address a complex issue like gun control. As we send our heartfelt condolences and virtual hugs, it's worth asking: when will we pass sensible gun control laws? When will we hold those responsible for perpetuating this cycle of violence accountable?

The NRA, once again, finds itself with blood on its hands. It's a familiar sight, isn't it? The powerful gun lobby continues to wield its influence, while our children pay the price. But hey, at least they have their Second Amendment rights, right?

In the wake of yet another tragedy, it's hard not to feel a sense of hopelessness. But fear not, dear readers, for I come bearing a solution! Introducing the latest in back-to-school fashion: bulletproof clothing. That's right, why bother addressing the root causes of gun violence when you can just armor up your kids like they're preparing for battle?

Picture this: little Timmy heading off to school in his stylish Kevlar vest and matching helmet. It's the perfect ensemble for a day of algebra and dodging bullets. And for the fashion-forward student, we have a range of colors and patterns to choose from. Who says you can't look fabulous while fearing for your life?

But in all seriousness, it's a sad state of affairs when bulletproof clothing even enters the conversation. Our children deserve so much better than this. They deserve to feel safe and secure in their learning environments. They deserve to focus on their studies and friendships, not on active shooter drills and lockdown procedures.

As the news of yet another school shooting spreads, we're reminded of the urgent need for change. It's not enough to offer thoughts and prayers or to simply wait for the next tragedy to strike. We must demand action from our lawmakers, from our communities, and from ourselves.

It's heartening to see the swift response from law enforcement and emergency services at Apalachee High School. Their dedication and bravery in the face of such harrowing events is truly commendable. But it shouldn't have to come to this. We shouldn't have to rely on heroic acts in the aftermath of preventable tragedies.

As the community of Winder grapples with this senseless act of violence, let's not forget the resilience and strength that emerges in times of crisis. The outpouring of support and solidarity from across the state and beyond is a testament to the power of compassion and unity.

We must also acknowledge the role of mental health support in preventing acts of violence. It's crucial that we invest in resources and services that address the underlying issues that lead to such devastating outcomes. We need to create a culture where seeking help is encouraged and accessible to all.

In the midst of this tragedy, let's not lose sight of the resilience and determination of our young people. They are not defined by these horrific events, but by their unwavering spirit and potential. They are the voices of change and progress, and we owe it to them to create a safer world.

So, as we once again grapple with the aftermath of a school shooting, let's not resign ourselves to despair. Let's channel our frustration and grief into action. Let's demand accountability from those in power. Let's work towards a future where our children can go to school without fear.

And if all else fails, maybe it's time to invest in that bulletproof clothing line. After all, nothing says "back to school" quite like a ballistic vest.

Stay safe, stay hopeful, and let's keep fighting for a better tomorrow.

Big Education Ape: BACK TO SCHOOL: The Best Bulletproof Clothing for 2024 

Apalachee High School shooting: Casualties reported, suspect in custody after shooting at Georgia high school | CNN 

Casualties reported, suspect in custody after shooting at Georgia high school 

Suspect in custody after shooting with multiple victims at Georgia high school