Monday, October 16, 2023



Well, well, well, looks like President Biden is calling for Israel to follow the rules of war. But hey, why stop there? Let's throw in the rule of law too, shall we? Because let's face it, this endless war is just another outbreak of violence that's been going on for far too long. It's like a never-ending cycle of dying, death, and destruction that's just guaranteed to last another hundred years. 

As for me, I feel the pain of my Jewish friends and their families, just as I feel the pain of my extended family in Palestine. But let's be real, none of us really understand the brutality of war and all its consequences. Violence is never the answer, folks. We should all strive for peace, justice, and truth instead. 

So here's my two cents: let's just let everyone go home in peace. Sounds simple enough, right? Peace, love, and truth for all!

FROM THE BIG EDUCATION APE Peace Love and Truth someday for US ALL!

mike simpson 

ps below you will find my primal rant for peace 


This week, oh what a delightful week it has been! We all gathered 'round our screens to witness the mesmerizing spectacle of hate in the so-called holy land. Ah, yes, because nothing screams holiness like an abundance of death and destruction, animosity and loathing.

But let's not forget, my dear readers, that hate is not the only star of this show. No, no, there's also war! A splendid performance of death, suffering, and destruction. It's like a theater production where the actors wield guns instead of scripts. Bravo!

Carl von Clausewitz, that wise old chap, once proclaimed that war is simply politics with a dash of violence. How quaint! Who needs civil discourse and rational thinking when you can just hate your fellow human beings? Why bother with peace and love when you can have the thrill of war and the beauty of annihilation?

Oh, but fear not, for peace shall come to us one day. We must replace hate with hope and love for all people. But alas, my friends, not this week, not in Gaza, not in Israel, not in the ever-turbulent Middle East.

So let us raise our glasses to this week's grand performance of hate and war. May it inspire us to seek a future where wit triumphs over weapons, where laughter conquers loathing, and where peace finally takes center stage.

Cheers to a world filled with witty banter instead of bullets!

What Is Terrorism? | World101 

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline | World101 

Who Counts As a Terrorist? | World101 

Terrorism, terrorism, terrorism. It's all we seem to hear about these days. But who are the real terrorists? Are you a terrorist? Am I a terrorist? The answer is no, of course not. Unless you're part of Hamas or the Israeli government, then maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Let's start with Hamas. They're the ones who kicked off this week's terrorism party. But let's not forget that they were brought to this point by the actions of others. Are they just freedom fighters? Maybe. But so were the irgun and livi movements of mandated Palestine. And let's not forget the Deir Yassin massacre of 1948, which killed over 100 Palestinian villagers in a joint operation with Lehi, another Zionist militia. That was just Jewish freedom fighting, right?

But terrorism isn't limited to just Jewish and Palestinian people. What about American terrorism? From Wounded Knee to My Lai and Iraq, the US has a long and storied history of using violence and intimidation to achieve political aims.

So what exactly is terrorism? It's the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. It's a complex phenomenon with no single definition that is universally accepted. But some key elements include the use of violence or threat of violence, targeting civilians, pursuit of political aims, and intention to cause fear or terror.

Terrorism can be carried out by individuals, groups, or even states. It can be motivated by ideology, religion, nationalism, revenge, or a desire for attention.

But let's not forget about the displacement of Palestinians in occupied territories or the arrest and holding of over 5500 Palestinians. These actions may not fit the traditional definition of terrorism, but they certainly cause fear and terror for those involved.

In conclusion, terrorism is a complex and challenging issue. But by understanding its motivations and various forms, we can better combat it. And maybe, just maybe, we can all stop pointing fingers and take responsibility for our own actions.

But here's the thing: terrorism is not the answer. It only leads to more violence and more suffering. Instead of resorting to terrorism, let's try something radical: let's talk to each other. Let's listen to each other's perspectives and try to find common ground.

It won't be easy, but it's better than the alternative. So let's put down our weapons and pick up our words. Who knows, we might just be able to achieve peace after all.

Israel-Palestine: How social media was used and abused

Tech giants come under spotlight over censorship, disinformation and manipulation concerns

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a hot topic for centuries, but in recent days, it has become even more heated with the spread of misinformation on social media. As we all know, social media can be a double-edged sword, providing a platform for unfiltered documentation of events while also amplifying messages of hate and propaganda. In this article, we will delve into the ways in which digital communication platforms were misused and mishandled during the recent violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

First and foremost, let's talk about Palestinian censorship. Many have accused tech giants of censoring Palestinian content, preventing their voices from being heard. But let's be real here, if you're going to accuse someone of censorship, make sure you're not doing it yourself. Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza, has been known to censor and silence their own people. They have shut down social media accounts of those who speak out against them and have even arrested journalists for reporting on their wrongdoings.

On the other hand, we have Israeli propaganda. The Israeli army's Twitter account has been used as a propaganda tool during the ongoing conflict in Gaza. They have tweeted videos inviting viewers to imagine themselves as the Israeli armed forces responding to rocket fire from Gaza, portraying themselves as the victim rather than the aggressor. But let's not forget that Israel is the one with the military might and the one occupying Palestinian territories. It's like a bully claiming to be the victim after punching someone in the face.

Next up, we have incitement of violence. Both sides have been guilty of this. Hamas has been known to incite violence against Israelis, while Israeli settlers have been known to incite violence against Palestinians. But let's not forget that violence begets violence. It's a never-ending cycle that only leads to more pain and suffering for both sides.

Now, let's talk about the spread of disinformation. There have been several false and misleading claims circulating online during the conflict. For example, a video of supposed Hamas missiles that was actually from Israel. Or fake tweets from the Israeli Defense Forces. It's important to fact-check before sharing anything online. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution.

Last but not least, we have state-backed troll armies. Both sides have been accused of using troll armies to spread their message and silence opposing views. But let's not forget that these troll armies are made up of real people with real lives. They are not just mindless robots spewing hate online. We need to address the root cause of the conflict and work towards a peaceful solution.

In conclusion, social media has played a significant role in the recent violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. While it has provided a space for direct, unfiltered documentation of events and messages of solidarity, it has also been misused and mishandled in several ways. We need to hold tech giants accountable for allowing disinformation and manipulation on their platforms while also taking responsibility for our own actions online. Let's work towards a peaceful solution and not let hate and propaganda win.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: False and misleading claims fact-checked - BBC News 

Israel-Palestine: How social media was used and abused | Middle East Eye 

From the Twitter trenches: The Israeli army’s propaganda war | Gaza | Al Jazeera 

Who is This God That Blames the Victims of Zionism and Manifest Destiny?

Well, dear reader, it seems that this "God" is none other than the ideologies of Zionism and Manifest Destiny themselves. These two secular principles have been used to justify the displacement, oppression, and violence against indigenous peoples in their respective lands.

Let's start with Zionism. This nationalist movement seeks to establish a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel, also known as Palestine. While some Zionists believe that this is a fulfillment of biblical prophecies, others see it as necessary for Jewish self-determination. But at what cost? The establishment of Israel in 1948 led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. And since then, the Israeli government has continued to displace Palestinians through policies of land confiscation, home demolition, and settlement construction. This has created a system of apartheid in the West Bank, where Palestinians live under Israeli military occupation.

But wait, there's more! The Israeli military has been accused of committing a number of human rights abuses against Palestinians, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and arbitrary detention. So much for the "chosen people" treating their neighbors with kindness and compassion.

Now let's turn to Manifest Destiny. This American ideology held that the United States was destined to expand its territory across the North American continent. While some Americans justified their expansionist goals by citing religious texts, others simply believed that it was the natural right of the United States to expand its territory. But at what cost? The expansion of the United States across the continent led to the displacement and genocide of millions of Native Americans. They were forced from their traditional homelands and onto reservations, where they were subjected to poverty and discrimination.

And let's not forget about the policies designed to assimilate Native Americans into white society. Forced schooling and the banning of Native American languages and cultures were used to erase their identities and traditions. How very enlightened and superior of the United States to impose its values on others.

So who is this God that blames the victims of Zionism and Manifest Destiny? It seems that it is the very ideologies themselves that perpetuate injustice and suffering. But don't take my word for it. There are many people who oppose Zionism and Manifest Destiny, believing that these ideologies are unjust and have caused great harm to indigenous peoples.

In conclusion, let us not worship at the altar of nationalism and imperialism. Let us instead strive for justice, equality, and respect for all people and their cultures. And let us never forget the victims of Zionism and Manifest Destiny, who have suffered at the hands of these misguided ideologies.

The Tangled History of American and Israeli Exceptionalism | The Nation 




The Nakba, 75 years ago, was a catastrophe that saw Zionist militias drive 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in what many describe as ethnic cleansing. And yet, despite the passage of time, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to rage on, with forced evictions and near-daily killings of Palestinians by what many see as an apartheid state. So, what is the legacy of ethnic cleansing left by Zionism in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict? And is there any hope for a peaceful resolution?

Let's start with the establishment of Jewish settlements in occupied territories. These settlements are illegal under international law, yet Israel continues to build them. It's like a game of whack-a-mole - every time one settlement is dismantled, another pops up somewhere else. It's almost as if Israel is trying to provoke the Palestinians into a violent response so that they can justify their own brutal tactics.

And speaking of brutal tactics, let's talk about the mistreatment of Palestinian citizens within Israel. Despite being citizens, they are treated as second-class citizens and subjected to discrimination and harassment on a daily basis. It's like living in a dystopian nightmare where your very existence is a crime.

But perhaps the most egregious aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the refusal of Israel to accept the principle of the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. This is at the heart of the breakdown of the Middle East talks and is a clear violation of international law. It's as if Israel is saying "we stole your land fair and square, now get over it."

Of the Palestinian population who live abroad, known as the Palestinian diaspora, more than half are stateless, lacking legal citizenship in any country.

  • Jordan 3,240,000.
  • Israel 1,650,000.
  • Syria 630,000.
  • Chile 500,000 (largest Palestinian community outside the Middle East).
  • Lebanon 402,582.
  • Saudi Arabia 280,245.
  • Egypt 270,245.
  • United States 255,000 (the largest concentrations in Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles)

So, what is the solution? Some argue for a two-state solution, but that ship has sailed. Israel has already captured 78 percent of Palestine, leaving only the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Others argue for a one-state solution, but that would require Israel to accept the right of return for Palestinian refugees, which they have shown no willingness to do.

No, the only solution is the creation of a United Socialist States of the Middle East. This would involve the dismantling of all Jewish settlements in occupied territories, the recognition of the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and the establishment of a democratic, secular state where all citizens are treated equally regardless of religion or ethnicity.

Of course, this solution is unlikely to be embraced by Israel or its allies anytime soon. But as long as the Nakba continues with forced evictions and near-daily killings of Palestinians, we cannot afford to give up hope for a better future. We must continue to speak out against oppression and dispossession, and work towards a world where all people are treated with dignity and respect. Only then can we truly say that we have learned the lessons of history and are working towards a brighter tomorrow.

Zionism’s ethnic cleansing has been accomplished through the sword and the gavel – Mondoweiss

Zionism's legacy of ethnic cleansing Part 1—Israel and the Palestinian right of return

Zionism's legacy of ethnic cleansing Part 2—Israeli expansion creates more Palestinian refugees 

Ethnic cleansing in Palestine | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera

The Nakba did not start or end in 1948 Key facts and figures on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.   


When it comes to systems of racial oppression, South African apartheid and US Jim Crow are often the first to come to mind. But what about Israel's treatment of Palestinians? Are they distant cousins in the family tree of discrimination? Let's take a closer look.

First, let's define our terms. Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the white minority government in South Africa. Jim Crow was a series of state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. Both systems were characterized by the denial of basic rights to a marginalized group and the use of violence and oppression to maintain control.

Now, let's turn our attention to Israel's treatment of Palestinians. While there are some key differences between apartheid and the treatment of Palestinians, there are also some striking similarities. Palestinians are denied Israeli citizenship and are restricted in their movement and access to resources. They are also subjected to violence and harassment by Israeli settlers and security forces. Sound familiar?

One of the most notable parallels between apartheid and the treatment of Palestinians is the use of separate laws and regulations for different racial groups. Under apartheid, black South Africans were subject to a different set of laws than white South Africans. In Israel, Palestinians are also subject to a different set of laws than Israeli citizens.

Another parallel is the use of physical barriers to separate racial groups. Under apartheid, the South African government built a network of pass laws and checkpoints to control the movement of black South Africans. In Israel, the Israeli government has built a wall and fence that separates the West Bank from Israel. This barrier has been criticized for restricting the movement of Palestinians and making it difficult for them to access essential services.

Of course, there are also some key differences between apartheid and the treatment of Palestinians. Apartheid was a system of white minority rule, while Palestinians make up a majority of the population in the occupied territories. Additionally, apartheid was more explicit and institutionalized than the treatment of Palestinians, which is characterized by policies and practices that have the effect of segregating Palestinians from Israeli citizens.

But let's not forget about Jim Crow. There are also some striking similarities between Jim Crow and apartheid. Both systems were based on the belief in the superiority of one race over another, both involved segregation in public places, and both denied basic rights to a minority group.

Of course, there were also some key differences between Jim Crow and apartheid. Jim Crow was a system of white majority rule, while apartheid was a system of white minority rule. Additionally, Jim Crow was dismantled through the civil rights movement and federal legislation, while apartheid was dismantled through international pressure and internal resistance.

So what can we learn from all this? First and foremost, we must recognize that systems of racial oppression take many forms and can be found all over the world. We must also recognize that these systems have a profound and lasting impact on society and must be dismantled through collective action.

But let's not end on a somber note. Instead, let's take a moment to appreciate the irony that South African apartheid, US Jim Crow, and Israeli treatment of Palestinians are all distant cousins in the family tree of discrimination. Who knew racism could be so familial?

'Apartheid and Jim Crow are really no different': Why George Floyd's death reverberated in Africa 

South Africa And Its Apartheid History Compared to Jim Crow In the US | Johnny Africa 

Comparative Racial Regimes: Jim Crow in the United States, Apartheid in South Africa, and the German Nazi Regime | The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition 


The recent conflict between Hamas and Israel has once again brought the Palestinian group into the international spotlight. While Western media has been quick to present the Israeli side of the story, the Palestinian perspective has been largely ignored. But who exactly is Hamas, and what motivates their actions?

Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, was founded in 1987 with the aim of liberating historic Palestine through military means. Unlike the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hamas does not recognize Israel's statehood but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders. The group has pursued its aims through attacks on Israeli soldiers, settlers, and civilians in both Palestine and Israel.

Of course, Hamas is designated as a "terrorist" organization by Israel, the United States, European Union, Canada, Egypt, and Japan. But is this label fair? While there is never a reason for violence or terrorism, we must also consider the terrorism of the cruel moves by the Netanyahu fascist right-wing coalition government.

The recent attack on Israel, known as Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, was not surprising or unprovoked. The Palestinian people have been facing Israeli settler colonial rule and occupation for decades, and international law allows them to use armed struggle to fight for independence and liberation. Furthermore, the dire conditions in Gaza, such as the long-standing blockade, high unemployment rates, food insecurity, limited access to water and electricity, and inadequate medical facilities have only added fuel to the fire.

It's important to note that Hamas insists that it is attacking only settlers living in illegal settlements. However, rights groups such as Amnesty International have pointed out that Israeli civilians have been killed by Hamas. The group's fighters took several Israelis captive in the enclave and sent paragliders flying into Israel, according to reports.

But let's not forget about the 5,200 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, including 170 children and 33 women. The United Nations has estimated that Israel has arrested around one million Palestinians since 1967, with one in every five Palestinians having been arrested and charged under military orders. Addameer, a Palestinian prisoner rights group, has described the Israeli prison system as "designed to liquidate and kill." 

Israel has 19 prisons holding Palestinian prisoners within Israel and one inside the occupied West Bank. Administrative detention allows authorities to hold suspects without charges or trial, with 1,264 Palestinian administrative detainees currently held. Since the outbreak of the second Intifada in 2000, more than 12,000 Palestinian children have been detained by Israeli forces.

So what can we conclude from all of this? The recent conflict between Hamas and Israel is not just a simple case of "terrorism" versus "democracy." It's a complex issue that involves decades of oppression and violence towards the Palestinian people. While there is never an excuse for violence or terrorism, we must also consider the root causes of these actions. As long as Israel continues its occupation and oppression of Palestine, there will always be groups like Hamas that seek to resist through armed struggle.

In conclusion, it's time for the international community to take a closer look at the Palestinian perspective and recognize the injustices that they face on a daily basis. Only then can we hope for a peaceful resolution to this ongoing conflict.

What is Hamas? A simple guide to the armed Palestinian group | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera 

There is nothing surprising about Hamas’s operation | Gaza | Al Jazeera

Why are so many Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails? | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera 

Israel-Hamas war live: Israel declares ‘state of war’ as battles rage | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera 


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for so long that it feels like it's been going on since the dawn of time. But the truth is, it's a relatively modern conflict that has its roots in the early 20th century. And yet, despite all the wars, uprisings, peace efforts, and cycles of violence, there seems to be no end in sight. So, what's the solution?

Well, let me tell you, war is definitely not the answer. It never has been and it never will be. But neither is apartheid or occupation. The truth is, both sides have suffered greatly in this conflict. The Jewish people have faced threats and attacks from neighboring Arab states and Palestinian militants, while the Palestinian people have been displaced from their homes and lands by Israeli forces and settlers, and live under Israeli occupation or blockade in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

So, what can we do to help? Well, for starters, we can stand with the Jewish people in this violent attack by Hamas. No one deserves to live in fear of rocket attacks and terrorist acts. But we can also stand with the Palestinian people when they are attacked by the fascist of the Israeli government. It's important to remember that not all Israelis support the occupation and not all Palestinians support Hamas.

The conflict has been marked by several key events and developments over the years. From the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948 to the recent attacks by Hamas, it's clear that this conflict is far from over. But there have been moments of hope, such as when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem and met with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a historic gesture of peace.

And let's not forget about the Oslo Accords, which were signed by PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin under US President Bill Clinton's sponsorship. They agreed to mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO, and gave the Palestinians limited self-rule in Gaza and Jericho.

But unfortunately, these moments of hope have been overshadowed by violence and extremism on both sides. Hamas, an Islamist militant group that rejects the Oslo Accords, has carried out a series of suicide bombings in Israel, killing dozens of civilians. And Israel has launched several military offensives in Gaza to stop rocket fire from Hamas, resulting in the deaths of many innocent Palestinians.

So, what's the solution? Well, it's not an easy one. But it starts with recognizing that both sides have legitimate grievances and aspirations. It starts with acknowledging that neither side is going to disappear or be defeated. It starts with realizing that peace can only be achieved through dialogue, compromise, and respect for human rights.

As outsiders looking in, we can do our part by supporting organizations and initiatives that promote peace, coexistence, and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. We can educate ourselves and others about the history and complexities of the conflict. We can engage in constructive dialogue with people from both sides of the divide.

In conclusion, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and tragic issue that requires a nuanced approach. War is never the answer, but neither is apartheid or occupation. We must stand with both the Jewish and Palestinian people in their struggle for security, dignity, and justice. And we must work towards a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and prosperity.

History of Israeli and Palestinian conflict and the latest conflict in Gaza in maps 

Turkey Ready to Help De-Escalate Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 

Israeli-Palestinian conflict updates: Huge death tolls reported as US pledges support for Israel 

Israeli opposition offers joint government amid conflict in Gaza | The Hill,attacks%20from%20Gaza%20on%20Saturday

Israel ‘at war’ as Hamas launches unprecedented attack from Gaza | Arab News 

Israel-Palestine escalation live: Gaza under bombardment after Hamas attack | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera 



The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing conflict with roots dating back centuries. It is a conflict over land, religion, and identity, and it has been the source of much violence and suffering.

**Early History**

The region of Palestine has been inhabited by humans for thousands of years. It is a holy land to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and it has been a site of pilgrimage and conflict for centuries.

In the late 19th century, the Zionist movement emerged, advocating for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Zionist movement was motivated by a number of factors, including the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the desire of many Jews to return to their ancestral homeland.

**British Mandate**

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved and Palestine became a British Mandate. The British Mandate was tasked with preparing Palestine for self-determination, but it was also tasked with facilitating Jewish immigration to Palestine.

During the British Mandate, tensions between Jews and Arabs grew. Jews immigrated to Palestine in large numbers, and they began to purchase land from Arab landowners. This led to a sense of dispossession and resentment among the Arab population.

**1948 Arab-Israeli War**

In 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish community accepted the partition plan, but the Arab community rejected it.

In May 1948, Israel declared its independence. This led to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, in which a coalition of Arab states invaded Israel. The war ended in 1949 with Israel's victory.

**Aftermath of the 1948 War**

As a result of the 1948 war, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homes. These refugees fled to neighboring Arab countries and to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which were captured by Jordan and Egypt, respectively.

The 1948 war also led to the creation of the Palestinian refugee crisis. There are currently over 5 million Palestinian refugees, and they remain one of the most pressing issues in the conflict.

**Six-Day War**

In 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, fearing that these countries were planning to attack Israel. The war lasted for six days and ended with Israel's victory.

As a result of the Six-Day War, Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Israel has since withdrawn from the Golan Heights, but it continues to occupy the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

**Peace Efforts**

There have been numerous attempts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the years, but none have been successful. The most notable peace effort was the Oslo Accords, which were signed in 1993. The Oslo Accords established a framework for a two-state solution to the conflict, with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace.

However, the Oslo Accords were never fully implemented, and the conflict has continued. In recent years, there has been a stalemate in the peace process, and the two sides have become increasingly polarized.

**Current Situation**

The current situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very tense. Israel continues to occupy the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, and it has built a separation barrier between Israel and the West Bank.

The Palestinians are divided between the Fatah faction, which controls the West Bank, and the Hamas faction, which controls the Gaza Strip. Fatah and Hamas have been engaged in a power struggle for many years, and this has made it difficult to achieve Palestinian unity.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and difficult conflict to resolve. There are many different perspectives on the conflict, and it is important to understand all of these perspectives in order to find a lasting solution.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a tragedy that has caused immense suffering on both sides. It is a conflict that has been fueled by hatred, fear, and mistrust.

The only way to resolve the conflict is through a negotiated settlement that takes into account the legitimate needs of both sides. This will require a commitment to peace and reconciliation from both Israelis and Palestinians.

Here is a deep dive into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the year:

  • **1882:** The Zionist movement is founded, with the goal of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
  • **1917:** The Balfour Declaration is issued, stating that the British government supports the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
  • **1920:** The League of Nations grants Britain a mandate over Palestine, requiring it to prepare the territory for self-determination and to facilitate Jewish immigration.
  • **1939-1945:** World War II. The Holocaust results in the deaths of six million Jews.
  • **1947:** The United Nations votes to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish community accepts the plan, but the Arab community rejects it.
  • **1948:** The Arab-Israeli War. Israel declares its independence and the war begins. The war ends with Israel's victory and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.
  • **1949:** The 1949 Armistice Agreements are signed, establishing the borders between Israel and its neighbors.
  • **1967:** The Six-Day War. Israel launches a preemptive strike against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, and captures the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.
  • **1973:** The Yom Kippur War. Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel, but are eventually defeated.
  • **1979:** The Camp David Accords are signed, establishing peace between Israel and Egypt.
  • **1987-1993:** The First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule.
  • **1993:** The Oslo Accords are signed, establishing a framework for a two-state solution to the conflict.
  • **2000-2005:** The Second Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule.
  • **2005:** Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip, but maintains control of its borders.
  • **2006:** Hamas wins the Palestinian parliamentary elections.
  • **2007:** Hamas seizes control of the Gaza Strip, leading to a de facto division between the West Bank and Gaza.
  • **2008-2009:** The Gaza War. Israel launches a military operation in Gaza aimed at stopping rocket attacks against Israel. The war ends with a ceasefire, but the conflict remains unresolved.
  • **2014:** The Gaza War. Israel launches another military operation in Gaza aimed at stopping rocket attacks against Israel. The war ends with a ceasefire, but the conflict remains unresolved.
  • **2018:** The Great March of Return. Palestinians begin a series of weekly protests along the Gaza-Israel border, demanding the right of return to their homes in Israel.
  • **2021:** The May 2021 Israel-Palestine crisis. A series of rocket attacks and airstrikes erupt between Israel and Hamas, resulting in hundreds of deaths on both sides.
  • **2022:** The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has diverted attention away from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but the conflict remains unresolved.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and long-standing conflict with roots dating back centuries. It is a conflict over land, religion, and identity, and it has been the source of much violence and suffering.

There have been numerous attempts to resolve the conflict over the years, but none have been successful. The most notable peace effort was the Oslo Accords, which were signed in 1993. The Oslo Accords established a framework for a two-state solution to the conflict, with Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace.

However, the Oslo Accords were never fully implemented, and the conflict has continued. In recent years, there has been a stalemate in the peace process, and the two sides have become increasingly polarized.

The current situation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very tense. Israel continues to occupy the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, and it has built a separation barrier between Israel and the West Bank.

The Palestinians are divided between the Fatah faction, which controls the West Bank, and the Hamas faction, which controls the Gaza Strip. Fatah and Hamas have been engaged in a power struggle for many years, and this has made it difficult to achieve Palestinian unity.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and difficult conflict to resolve. There are many different perspectives on the conflict, and it is important to understand all of these perspectives in order to find a lasting solution.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing and violent struggle between two groups of people who claim the same land in the Middle East. The land, which is also known as Palestine, Israel, or the Holy Land, has religious and historical significance for both Jews and Muslims, as well as Christians. The conflict has its roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when Jewish immigration to Palestine increased under the British Mandate, and Arab nationalism and resistance also grew. After World War II and the Holocaust, the United Nations proposed a partition plan that would create two states: one for Jews and one for Arabs. However, the plan was rejected by the Arab states and war broke out in 1948, when Israel declared its independence. Since then, there have been several wars, uprisings, peace efforts, and cycles of violence between Israel and its Arab neighbors, especially Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians.

The Palestinians are the descendants of the Arab population that lived in Palestine before 1948. They are mainly Sunni Muslims, but also include Christians and other minorities. They have been displaced from their homes and lands by Israeli forces and settlers, and live under Israeli occupation or blockade in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. They are represented by various political factions, such as Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which seek different goals and strategies for achieving Palestinian statehood and rights.

The Israelis are the citizens of the state of Israel, which is a parliamentary democracy with a Jewish majority and a large Arab minority. They are mostly Jews of various ethnic and religious backgrounds, but also include Christians, Muslims, Druze, Baháʼís, and others. They have faced threats and attacks from neighboring Arab states and Palestinian militants, and have maintained a strong military and security presence in the region. They are divided by different political parties and ideologies, such as Likud, Labor, Yesh Atid, Meretz, Yamina, and others, which have different views on how to deal with the conflict and the peace process.

The conflict has been marked by several key events and developments over the years. Here are some of them:

  • - 1948-1949: The first Arab-Israeli war results in Israel's victory and expansion of its territory beyond the UN partition plan. About 700,000 Palestinians become refugees.
  • - 1956: The Suez Crisis erupts when Israel invades Egypt's Sinai Peninsula with British and French support after Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal. The crisis ends with a UN-brokered ceasefire and withdrawal of foreign forces.
  • - 1964: The PLO is founded as an umbrella organization for various Palestinian groups seeking to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation.
  • - 1967: The Six-Day War breaks out when Israel launches a preemptive attack on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan after they mobilize their forces along Israel's borders. Israel captures the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula
  • - 1973: The Yom Kippur War occurs when Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Israel manages to repel the attack after initial losses.
  • - 1974: The PLO is recognized by the Arab League as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
  • - 1977: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat visits Jerusalem and meets with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a historic gesture of peace.
  • - 1978: The Camp David Accords are signed by Sadat and Begin under US President Jimmy Carter's mediation. They agree to establish diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel, and to grant autonomy to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
  • - 1979: The Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty is signed in Washington DC by Sadat and Begin. Egypt becomes the first Arab country to recognize Israel.
  • - 1981: Sadat is assassinated by Islamist extremists who oppose his peace deal with Israel.
  • - 1982: Israel invades Lebanon to destroy the PLO's base there. A massacre of Palestinian refugees by Lebanese Christian militias allied with Israel occurs in Sabra and Shatila camps.
  • - 1987: The first intifada (uprising) begins in Gaza and spreads to the West Bank. Palestinians protest against Israeli occupation with civil disobedience, strikes, boycotts
  • - 1993: The Oslo Accords are signed by PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin under US President Bill Clinton's sponsorship. They agree to mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO
  • - 1994: The Gaza-Jericho Agreement is signed by Arafat and Rabin, giving the Palestinians limited self-rule in Gaza and Jericho. Arafat returns to Gaza after 27 years in exile.
  • - 1995: The Oslo II Accord is signed by Arafat and Rabin, expanding Palestinian self-rule to other areas of the West Bank. Rabin is assassinated by a Jewish extremist who opposes the peace process.
  • - 1996: Hamas, an Islamist militant group that rejects the Oslo Accords, carries out a series of suicide bombings in Israel, killing dozens of civilians.
  • - 2000: The Camp David Summit is held by Clinton, Arafat, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, but fails to reach a final agreement on the core issues of the conflict, such as Jerusalem, refugees, borders, and settlements.
  • - 2000: The second intifada (also known as the Al-Aqsa intifada) erupts after Ariel Sharon, then leader of the opposition Likud party, visits the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif compound in Jerusalem, which is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. Palestinians launch violent attacks on Israeli targets, and Israel responds with military operations and closures.
  • - 2002: Israel launches Operation Defensive Shield, a large-scale invasion of the West Bank to root out Palestinian militants. The UN Security Council passes Resolution 1397, calling for a two-state solution to the conflict.
  • - 2003: The Quartet (the US, the UN, the EU, and Russia) presents the Roadmap for Peace, a plan for ending the violence and establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Both sides accept the plan with reservations.
  • - 2004: Arafat dies in Paris after a long illness. Mahmoud Abbas succeeds him as the leader of the PLO and the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA).
  • - 2005: Israel withdraws from Gaza and dismantles all its settlements there. Hamas wins a landslide victory in the Palestinian legislative election, defeating Fatah.
  • - 2006: Hamas and Fatah form a unity government, but it collapses after a few months due to internal disputes and international pressure. Israel launches Operation Summer Rains, a series of air strikes and incursions into Gaza after Hamas kidnaps Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
  • - 2007: Hamas takes over Gaza in a violent coup against Fatah forces. The West Bank and Gaza are split into two rival entities under different administrations. Israel imposes a blockade on Gaza to isolate Hamas.
  • - 2008: Israel launches Operation Cast Lead, a three-week military offensive in Gaza to stop rocket fire from Hamas. About 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis are killed.
  • - 2009: US President Barack Obama delivers a speech in Cairo, calling for a new beginning between the US and the Muslim world, and reaffirming his commitment to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • - 2010: Israel announces a partial easing of its blockade on Gaza after international criticism following a deadly raid on a Turkish-led flotilla trying to break the siege. Direct peace talks between Israel and the PA resume in Washington DC
  • - 2011: The Arab Spring uprisings shake the Middle East and North Africa, bringing down authoritarian regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen
  • - 2012: The UN General Assembly grants Palestine non-member observer state status, despite opposition from Israel and the US. Israel launches Operation Pillar of Defense
  • - 2013: US Secretary of State John Kerry initiates a new round of peace talks between Israel and the PA
  • - 2014: The peace talks collapse after Israel suspends them in response to a reconciliation deal between Fatah and Hamas. Israel launches Operation Protective Edge
  • - 2015: A wave of violence erupts in Jerusalem and spreads across Israel and the West Bank. Palestinians carry out stabbing, shooting
  • - 2016: France hosts an international conference on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
  • - 2017: US President Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital and announces his intention to move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv
  • - 2018: The US opens its embassy in Jerusalem amid protests by Palestinians. Israel kills more than 60 Palestinians during clashes at the Gaza border on the day of the embassy opening
  • - 2019: The Trump administration unveils its vision for peace between Israel and the Palestinians
  • - 2020: Israel signs normalization agreements with four Arab countries
  • - 2021: Tensions escalate in Jerusalem over planned evictions of Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and Israeli police raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Ramadan. Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem and other Israeli cities
  • - 2023: Hamas launches its biggest assault on Israel in years

These are some of the main events that have shaped the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over time. However, there are many more details and perspectives that cannot be covered in this brief overview. If you want to learn more about this topic,

Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/7/2023

  • (1) History of Israeli and Palestinian conflict and the latest conflict in ....
  • (2) Timeline of conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza.
  • (3) Israel-Palestine War: Here Is Timeline Of Events That Flared-Up Conflict In The Region.
  • (4) Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia.
  • (5) The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A chronology - The Washington Post.
  • (6) Historical Timeline: 1900-Present - Israeli-Palestinian.
  • (7) Israeli opposition offers joint government amid conflict in Gaza.
  • (8) Timeline: Conflict between Israel and Hamas - RTÉ.