Sunday, October 8, 2023




Kaylee Timonet was not burned at the stake, but she might as well have been. The 17-year-old dancer was severely punished for doing a sinful dance at a private off-campus dance. It wasn't the dance of the seven veils, but it was close. Kaylee was caught twerking, and the school administration was not amused.

In a statement released to the press, the school principal said, "We take this kind of behavior very seriously. Twerking is not appropriate for a school dance, or any other public event for that matter. We have a strict code of conduct that we expect all of our students to follow, and Kaylee has clearly violated that code."

Kaylee's punishment was severe. She was suspended from school for a week, and her parents were called in for a meeting with the principal. They were not happy about what had happened.

"I can't believe they're treating Kaylee like a criminal," her mother said. "She's just a kid having fun. It's not like she was doing drugs or anything."

Kaylee's father was equally upset. "This is ridiculous," he said. "When I was her age, I was doing much worse things than twerking. It's just a silly dance. They need to lighten up."

Despite the punishment, Kaylee remained defiant. "I don't regret what I did," she said. "It was just a little harmless fun. If they want to make a big deal out of it, that's their problem."

As news of Kaylee's punishment spread, people around the world were outraged. Social media was flooded with messages of support for the young dancer, and the hashtag #FreeKaylee began trending on Twitter.

And yet, here we are, punishing a student for twerking at a private party. Is this really what public education is all about? Are we really going to let a little dance ruin this student's future?

I say we stand up for what's right. We show our support for this student and demand that her leadership roles and scholarship opportunities be reinstated. We show that we believe in equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their dance moves.

So let's twerk our way to justice, my friends. Let's show the world that we won't stand for this kind of injustice. And who knows, maybe we'll even start a new dance craze along the way. The Twerk for Justice, anyone?

WARNING: Now, before you judge her too harshly, let me ask you this: have you ever twerked? Go ahead, I'll wait. If you're over 70, please don't try this at home. We don't want any broken hips.

Louisiana student punished by school for dancing at private party | Louisiana | The Guardian 

Dancing video of Livingston Parish student draws outrage on social media via @YouTube 

What Does Public Education Mean to Me? By, Kaylee Timonet via @YouTube 

‘I don’t want this to happen to someone else’s child:’ Mother speaks out... via @YouTube 





In a world where workers have the right to strike, there is one group that is left out in the cold. Teachers and other public service employees in Nevada are not allowed to strike, and the Clark County Education Association (CCEA) is fighting to change that.

At a recent rally for higher pay attended by thousands of teachers, the CCEA announced that they would be filing a lawsuit to overturn the Nevada statute that makes it illegal for public sector employees to strike. The union is demanding a 10% pay increase in the first year, an 8% increase in the second year, and a $5,000 bonus for teachers in Title 1 schools. The school district has offered a 9% raise in the first year and a measly 3.3% increase in the second year.

Let's face it, teachers are some of the most underpaid and overworked people in our society. They spend countless hours grading papers, preparing lesson plans, and dealing with unruly students. And yet, they are expected to do all of this on a salary that barely covers their bills.

But why should they be denied the right to strike? Are they not workers just like everyone else? The answer is yes, they are workers, and they deserve the same rights as any other worker.

The CCEA is not just fighting for higher pay, they are fighting for the right to stand up for themselves and demand fair treatment. And if that means going on strike, then so be it.

But let's be real, the idea of teachers going on strike is hilarious. Can you imagine a group of teachers picketing outside of a school with signs that say "We demand better pay and shorter hours!"? It's almost too funny to picture.

And what would happen if teachers did go on strike? Would parents have to take time off work to stay home with their kids? Would substitute teachers be brought in to take over? It's a logistical nightmare that would make even the most organized person's head spin.

But maybe that's exactly what we need. Maybe we need to shake things up and demand change. Maybe we need to support our teachers and give them the respect they deserve.

So, here's to the CCEA and their fight for the right to strike. Let's hope they win their lawsuit and show the world that teachers are not to be messed with. Because when it comes down to it, they hold the future of our society in their hands. And that's no laughing matter

CCEA says it will file lawsuit against Nevada law that bans government employees from striking 

Teachers' union to challenge state law preventing teachers from striking