Friday, August 18, 2023



In a recent turn of events, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters has been accused of using every trick in the billionaire's playbook to attack Tulsa Public Schools. From disruption to defunding, demoralizing to defaming, Walters seems to have gotten a D in how to destroy public education.

But what's even funnier is Walters' denial of the accusations, claiming that the timing of his anti-TPS campaign was coincidental. Yeah right, and I'm the Queen of England.

Tensions are high in Tulsa as the district's accreditation is up for a vote. Community leaders and concerned citizens are speaking out against the possibility of the district losing its accreditation, arguing that it would violate student civil liberties and devastate the local economy. And let's not forget the impact it would have on the teachers who have dedicated their lives to educating the future leaders of our country.

But Walters doesn't seem to care about any of that. He's too busy criticizing the academic performance and financial management of TPS, threatening to pull their accreditation. It's like he's playing a game of Jenga with the education system, pulling out one block at a time until everything comes crashing down.

But fear not, Tulsans! Student Lance Brightmire is here to save the day. Brightmire, who recently graduated from Booker T. Washington, has organized a student-led town hall to voice concerns about the state targeting TPS. And let me tell you, this kid is smart. He knows that Walters' allegations are just a ploy to undermine the intelligence of Tulsans.

Walters recently claimed that Booker T. Washington High School receives funding from the Chinese government for its Chinese program. But Brightmire disputes this claim, and honestly, I'm with him on this one. I mean, have you seen the Chinese program at Booker T.? It's not exactly top-notch. I doubt the Chinese government would waste their money on that.

The Protect TPS town hall is set for August 19th, and I for one can't wait to see what these students have in store for Walters. Maybe they'll teach him a thing or two about how to actually improve education instead of just tearing it down.

In conclusion, Ryan Walters may think he's a big shot with his billionaire's playbook, but he's no match for the students and teachers of Tulsa Public Schools. We won't let him disrupt, defund, or destroy our education system. We'll fight back with wit, humor, and a whole lot of heart. And in the end, we'll come out on top.


Tulsa superintendent: Ryan Walters waited for max disruption 

'It creates chaos': Tulsa community slams education leaders for accreditation uncertainty | KTUL 







Ohio, the land of Buckeyes, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and now, the Public Ed Killer Vouchers! Yes, you heard it right, Ohio seems to be hellbent on destroying public education with its EdChoice scholarships. While the state has steadily increased the number and dollar amount of taxpayer-funded vouchers for private schools, public schools are left with the crumbs. The EdChoice scholarship, previously for students with a family income at or below 250% of the federal poverty line, has grown to be the most-used voucher. The state now allows any family in Ohio to be eligible for at least some portion of the scholarship, regardless of income. 

So, what's the deal with these vouchers? Well, in July 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a budget that increased the amount of the EdChoice scholarship for high school students from $7,500 to $8,407. This means that the scholarship is now more than what many public school districts are receiving, on average, in funding from the state. Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul! 

The EdChoice scholarship is a state-funded program that provides financial assistance to students who want to attend a private school. The program is open to all students in Ohio, regardless of their family's income. However, students from low-income families are given priority. 

Now, here's where it gets funny. The increase in the EdChoice scholarship is part of a larger trend in Ohio towards school choice. In recent years, the state has made it easier for students to attend private schools, charter schools, and other non-traditional schools. This trend has been driven by a number of factors, including dissatisfaction with the performance of public schools and a desire for more parental choice. 

So, let's get this straight. Ohio is dissatisfied with the performance of public schools and wants more parental choice. So, they decide to give more funding to private schools than public schools? It's like saying you're unhappy with your car's performance and decide to buy a bicycle instead of fixing your car. Makes perfect sense, right? 

But wait, there's more! The increase in the EdChoice scholarship is likely to have a significant impact on Ohio's education system. It is estimated that the scholarship will be used by over 30,000 students in the 2023-2024 school year. This could lead to a decrease in enrollment in public schools, as well as an increase in the cost of private schools. 

So, let's recap. Ohio is unhappy with public schools' performance and wants more parental choice. They decide to give more funding to private schools than public schools, which could lead to a decrease in enrollment in public schools and an increase in the cost of private schools. It's like they're trying to kill public education with kindness! 

But don't worry, folks. The impact of the EdChoice scholarship is still being debated. Supporters of the scholarship argue that it gives parents more choice and allows students to attend the schools that best meet their needs. Opponents of the scholarship argue that it diverts funding away from public schools and that it does not guarantee that students will receive a better education. 

In conclusion, Ohio's Public Ed Killer Vouchers are a comedy of errors. They're like a bad joke that keeps getting worse with each punchline. But hey, who needs public education when you can have private education funded by taxpayers? It's like saying who needs air when you can breathe carbon monoxide? Let's hope Ohio sees the error of its ways before it's too late. 

Private school vouchers now higher than state funding many Ohio public schools get per student 



In July 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a budget that increased the amount of the EdChoice scholarship for high school students from $7,500 to $8,407. This is now more than what many public school districts are receiving, on average, in funding from the state.

The EdChoice scholarship is a state-funded program that provides financial assistance to students who want to attend a private school. The program is open to all students in Ohio, regardless of their family's income. However, students from low-income families are given priority.

The increase in the EdChoice scholarship is part of a larger trend in Ohio towards school choice. In recent years, the state has made it easier for students to attend private schools, charter schools, and other non-traditional schools. This trend has been driven by a number of factors, including dissatisfaction with the performance of public schools and a desire for more parental choice.

The increase in the EdChoice scholarship is likely to have a significant impact on Ohio's education system. It is estimated that the scholarship will be used by over 30,000 students in the 2023-2024 school year. This could lead to a decrease in enrollment in public schools, as well as an increase in the cost of private schools.

The impact of the EdChoice scholarship is still being debated. Supporters of the scholarship argue that it gives parents more choice and allows students to attend the schools that best meet their needs. Opponents of the scholarship argue that it diverts funding away from public schools and that it does not guarantee that students will receive a better education.

Only time will tell what the true impact of the EdChoice scholarship will be. However, it is clear that this is a significant development in Ohio's education system.

Here are some additional things to consider about the EdChoice scholarship in Ohio:

  • * The scholarship is funded by the state's general fund. This means that the money for the scholarship comes from taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children in public schools or private schools.
  • * The scholarship is available to students in all 88 Ohio counties. However, the amount of the scholarship may vary depending on the student's family income and the school they choose to attend.
  • * The scholarship can be used to pay for tuition, fees, and other expenses related to attending a private school. However, it cannot be used to pay for transportation or other personal expenses.
  • * The scholarship is renewable for up to four years. However, students must maintain a certain GPA and conduct to continue receiving the scholarship.

The EdChoice scholarship is a complex issue with no easy answers. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of the scholarship before deciding whether or not to apply.


The Ohio private-school EdChoice scholarships. I will try to provide you with some information and analysis on this topic.

The EdChoice Scholarship Program is a state-funded program that provides vouchers to students who attend or would attend low-performing public schools or who meet certain income criteria. The vouchers can be used to pay tuition at participating private schools. The program was created in 2005 and has expanded over the years to include more eligible students and schools.

According to the Ohio Department of Education, the EdChoice Scholarship amount for the 2023-2024 school year is **$6,165** for grades K-8 and **$8,407** for grades 9-12¹. The scholarship amount is adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index². The scholarship amount is either the full tuition of the private school or the scholarship amount, whichever is less¹.

The EdChoice Scholarship Program has two components: the Traditional EdChoice Scholarship and the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship. The Traditional EdChoice Scholarship is based on the performance of the public school that the student would attend or is attending. The EdChoice Expansion Scholarship is based on the household income level of the student's family. Both components have different eligibility criteria and application processes¹.

The Traditional EdChoice Scholarship is available to students who attend or would attend one of the 473 public schools designated by the state as low-performing based on their report card ratings³. These schools are located in 84 districts across 34 counties and serve about 330,000 students⁴. Students who are currently enrolled in a designated public school or who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade can apply for the scholarship. Students who are already attending a private school with a scholarship can renew their scholarship until they graduate or leave the private school¹.

The EdChoice Expansion Scholarship is available to students who are entering kindergarten through 12th grade and whose family income is at or below 450% of the federal poverty level¹. For example, a family of four with an annual income of $135,000 or less would qualify for the full scholarship amount. A family of four with an annual income between $135,001 and $150,000 would qualify for a partial scholarship amount. The income eligibility guidelines are updated every year based on the federal poverty guidelines⁵. Students who are already attending a private school with a scholarship can renew their scholarship until they graduate or leave the private school as long as their family income remains within the eligibility range¹.

The EdChoice Scholarship Program has been controversial since its inception, as it has been challenged by various groups on legal, financial, and educational grounds. Some of the arguments for and against the program are:

  • - Proponents of the program argue that it provides more educational options and opportunities for students who are dissatisfied with or disadvantaged by their assigned public schools. They claim that the program empowers parents to choose the best school for their children's needs and preferences, and that it fosters competition and innovation among schools. They also contend that the program saves money for taxpayers and public schools by reducing enrollment and costs⁶⁷.
  • - Opponents of the program argue that it diverts public funds and resources away from public schools that need them most. They claim that the program undermines the quality and accountability of public education, and that it creates inequities and segregation among students based on income, race, religion, and ability. They also contend that the program violates the separation of church and state by subsidizing religious schools with taxpayer money⁸⁹.

The debate over the EdChoice Scholarship Program is likely to continue as the program grows and changes over time. The recent budget approved by Governor Mike DeWine increased both the scholarship amount and the number of eligible students, making it one of the most expansive voucher programs in the country[^10^]. The budget also allocated more funding for public schools under a new formula that aims to address historical disparities and gaps in education funding¹¹. However, some public school advocates and lawmakers have expressed concerns about the impact of the voucher expansion on public school finances and performance .

Bing, 8/18/2023

  • (1) EdChoice Scholarship Program | Ohio Department of Education.
  • (2) EdChoice Scholarship: What School Can I Choose? | Ohio Department of ....
  • (3) Ohio - Educational Choice Scholarship Program.
  • (4) Ohio - Educational Choice Scholarship Program.
  • (5) EdChoice Scholarship Program – School Choice Ohio.
  • (6) Ohio expands public education funding, private school scholarships ....
  • (7) Private school vouchers higher than funding for Ohio public schools ....
  • (8) Private school vouchers higher than funding for Ohio public schools | WYSO.
  • (9) 2023-2024 EDCHOICE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FACT SHEET - Ohio Department of ....
  • (10) Scholarship Programs – School Choice Ohio.
  • (11) EdChoice Scholarship: Information for Parents | Ohio Department of ....



The New Class Clown Who Knows All the Answers

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, gather around for a tale of epic proportions! A tale of AI gone wild in the classroom, and the teachers and school districts who are desperately trying to keep up. But amidst the chaos and confusion, one question lingers in the air: will AI help or hurt learning? And more importantly, can we still make fun of it?

Let's start with ChatGPT, the latest and greatest language model to hit the scene. This little chatbot can do it all: generate text, translate languages, write creative content, and answer your questions in a way that would make even the most seasoned teacher jealous. But don't let its impressive abilities fool you. ChatGPT is a loose cannon, a wild card, a...well, you get the idea.

Some schools have tried to harness ChatGPT's power for good by using it for personalized tutoring and feedback. But let's be real, we all know what's really going on. Students are using ChatGPT to cheat on their assignments and plagiarize from other sources. And who can blame them? ChatGPT is like having a super-smart friend who always knows the answer. Except this friend doesn't judge you for eating an entire pizza by yourself.

Of course, teachers and school districts aren't taking this lying down. They've had to adapt to the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT by providing training and guidance on how to use them effectively and ethically. They've also implemented policies and safeguards to prevent and detect cheating and plagiarism. But let's be real, they're just jealous they didn't have ChatGPT when they were in school.

But it's not all doom and gloom. AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. They can automate many of the tasks that teachers currently do, freeing them up to focus on more creative and strategic tasks. They can also provide personalized learning experiences that are tailored to each student's individual needs. And let's not forget about the real-time feedback that can help students identify and correct their mistakes early on.

But there are still some ethical challenges to consider. AI tools like ChatGPT could widen the achievement gap between students who have access to them and those who do not. And let's not forget about the possibility of misuse by students who use AI tools to cheat or plagiarize.

So what's the answer? Will AI help or hurt learning? Only time will tell as AI continues to run rampant in the classroom. But one thing is for sure: we can still make fun of it. After all, if we can't laugh at ourselves for relying on technology to do our jobs, what can we laugh at?

Embracing AI in education: Two local schools pioneer innovative teaching methods | WSTM 

Tool or trouble? How local schools see use of AI in the classroom 



The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in education has led to necessary adaptations among teachers and school districts. These adaptations include:

  • * **Rethinking the role of the teacher.** AI tools can automate many of the tasks that teachers currently do, such as grading papers, creating lesson plans, and providing feedback. This frees up teachers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks, such as developing personalized learning plans for students and providing individual attention.
  • * **Personalizing learning.** AI tools can collect data on each student's learning style, pace, and preferences. This data can be used to create personalized learning experiences that are tailored to each student's individual needs.
  • * **Providing real-time feedback.** AI tools can provide students with real-time feedback on their work. This feedback can help students identify and correct their mistakes early on, which can lead to improved learning outcomes.
  • * **Making education more accessible.** AI tools can make education more accessible to students with disabilities or learning challenges. For example, AI-powered speech-to-text tools can help students with dyslexia read and write more easily.
  • * **Improving teacher training.** AI tools can be used to train teachers on new teaching methods and technologies. This can help teachers stay up-to-date on the latest trends in education and deliver the best possible instruction to their students.

The adoption of AI tools in education is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. As AI tools continue to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective ways to use them in the classroom.

Here are some specific examples of how AI tools are being used in education today:

  • * **ChatGPT** is a language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. It is being used by some schools to provide personalized tutoring and feedback to students.
  • * **Knewton** is an AI-powered adaptive learning platform that personalizes the learning experience for each student. It is used by schools to help students improve their math and science skills.
  • * **Socratic** is an AI-powered tutoring platform that helps students learn by answering their questions and providing feedback. It is used by schools to help students with all subjects, including math, science, English, and history.

These are just a few examples of how AI tools are being used in education today. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective ways to use it in the classroom.


How the rise of artificial intelligence tools, such as language model Chat GPT, has led to necessary adaptations among teachers and school districts. Here is what I found:

  • - Chat GPT is a powerful new chatbot that can communicate in plain English using an updated version of its AI system². It was developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating and ensuring the safe use of artificial intelligence⁴.
  • - Chat GPT can generate text that is more natural and less robotic than the original GPT, which was also developed by OpenAI. It can also create blocks of computer code on command². It was trained on a dataset of conversational data and was designed to generate text that was specifically suited for chatbot applications³.
  • - Chat GPT has many potential applications, such as creating software, generating business ideas, writing a wedding toast, and producing AI art². It can also be used as a supportive tool for teachers and students in the classroom, as it can save time and enhance creativity¹.
  • - However, Chat GPT also poses some ethical challenges, such as the possibility of misuse by students who may use it to cheat on their assignments or plagiarize from other sources. It could also widen the achievement gap between students who have access to AI tools and those who do not¹.
  • - Therefore, teachers and school districts have had to make necessary adaptations to cope with the rise of artificial intelligence tools, such as Chat GPT. Some of these adaptations include:
  •     - Providing training and guidance for teachers on how to use AI tools effectively and ethically in their lessons¹.
  •     - Implementing policies and safeguards to prevent and detect cheating and plagiarism by students using AI tools¹.
  •     - Encouraging students to develop critical thinking and creativity skills, rather than relying solely on AI tools for their learning outcomes¹.
  •     - Exploring the potential of AI tools to enhance student engagement and motivation, such as by using them as creative writing prompts or art generation tools¹.

Bing, 8/18/2023

  • (1) ChatGPT Is a Tipping Point for AI - Harvard Business Review.
  • (2) ChatGPT: the latest news, controversies, and helpful tips | Digital Trends.
  • (3) The Evolution of the Chat GPT : Language Model for Chatbots.
  • (4) Tool or trouble? How local schools see use of artificial intelligence ....