Monday, May 15, 2023




Oakland Teachers Strike Ends After 7 Days, With a Little Help From Their Friends

Oakland teachers have finally ended their seven-day strike, and it's all thanks to their new ally, Rattus Norvegicus! Who is Rattus Norvegicus, you ask? Only the most badass, inflatable rat mascot that ever existed!

This rat was the star of the show, and he brought a sense of humor to a difficult situation. He was always present during the protests, and he quickly became a symbol of the teachers' struggle. In fact, he was such a hit that he even inspired some hilarious memes and cartoons.

One of my favorite memes showed Rattus Norvegicus sitting at a negotiating table with the district's superintendent. The superintendent was saying, "I'm sorry, but we just can't afford to give you a raise." And Rattus Norvegicus was saying, "That's okay. I'll just eat your lunch instead." Classic!

Another funny cartoon showed Rattus Norvegicus standing in front of a group of students. The students were saying, "We're so glad you're here, Rattus Norvegicus. You're our only hope." And Rattus Norvegicus was saying, "Don't worry, kids. I'm not going to let anyone mess with your education." What a hero!

Of course, Rattus Norvegicus is not a real rat. He's just a giant inflatable toy. But he played a big role in helping the teachers win their strike. He brought a sense of humor to a difficult situation, and he helped to rally support for the teachers.

But let's not forget the real heroes here: the Oakland teachers! They fought hard for better pay, smaller class sizes, and more support staff. And they won! They got a 15.5% salary increase, more support staff, and smaller class sizes. That's amazing!

The teachers' strike was a serious matter, and it's great to see that they were able to make some real progress. It's important to remember that teachers are the backbone of our education system, and they deserve to be paid fairly and have the resources they need to do their jobs well.

So next time you see a giant inflatable rat, don't be afraid to give him a smile. He's just doing his part to make the world a better place. And next time you see a teacher, give them a high-five or a pat on the back. They're doing some of the most important work there is, and they deserve our support and appreciation.

In conclusion, the Oakland teachers' strike may be over, but the fight for better education is far from finished. Let's continue to support our teachers and demand the resources they need to succeed. And let's never forget the role that Rattus Norvegicus played in this victory. He may be just an inflatable rat, but he's a hero in our hearts!

Teachers in Oakland, California, reach agreement with school district on 'common good' demands as strike continues | CNN

Oakland teachers, district reach agreement on new contract ending 7-day ... via @YouTube




As the world becomes more and more reliant on technology, it's important for us to embrace the advancements that come with it. And what better way to do that than by incorporating AI into the classroom? Specifically, let's talk about ChatGPT, the language model chatbot developed by OpenAI.

ChatGPT is a real hoot, folks. It's been trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which means it can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. Plus, it's got a great sense of humor. I mean, have you heard the one about the chatbot who walked into a bar? Yeah, me neither. But I'm sure ChatGPT would have a killer punchline.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Why do we need a chatbot in the classroom? Can't we just stick to good old-fashioned teaching methods?" And to that, I say: why not? ChatGPT has so many potential benefits for students. For example:

1. Help students with their writing skills. ChatGPT can generate text on any topic, and can adjust the response to reading levels. This means students can practice their writing skills and get feedback on their work. Plus, it's always good to have a second opinion on that essay you wrote at 2am.

2. Provide students with access to information. ChatGPT can access and process information from the real world through Google Search and keep its response consistent with search results. This means students can find information on any topic, even if it's not covered in their textbooks. Who needs a library when you've got ChatGPT?

3. Help students learn new languages. ChatGPT can translate text from one language to another. This means students can learn a new language or brush up on their existing skills. Bonjour, ChatGPT!

4. Foster critical thinking skills. ChatGPT can be used to generate creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. This means students can practice their critical thinking skills and come up with new ideas. Who knows, maybe the next Shakespeare is actually a chatbot.

Of course, there are some potential risks associated with using ChatGPT in the classroom. For example, students could use it to plagiarize work or cheat on assignments. But let's be real, if a student is going to cheat, they're going to find a way to do it regardless of whether or not there's a chatbot involved. And besides, ChatGPT is too cool to not use just because of a few bad apples.

In fact, I've heard some pretty funny stories about ChatGPT in the classroom. Like the time one student used it to write a paper on the history of the Civil War and the teacher thought they had plagiarized it. Or the time a student used it to help them with a math problem and actually understood what was going on. Or the time a teacher used it to create a virtual assistant for their classroom and it told jokes that were actually funny.

The point is, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for helping students learn and develop the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. So why not give it a try? Who knows, maybe one day we'll all be replaced by chatbots and this article will be written by ChatGPT 2.0. I, for one, welcome our new chatbot overlords.

Schools in northern Nevada ban ChatGPT, others welcome it for classwork



Ryan Walters, Oklahoma's Superintendent of Public Instruction, has made it clear that he is not a fan of public education. In fact, he has said that he believes that public education is "failing" and that it is time to "end it."

Walters's approach to ending public education is based on his belief that parents should have more control over their children's education. He has said that he wants to give parents more options, such as homeschooling and private schools.

However, Walters's approach is flawed. It is based on the assumption that all parents are capable of homeschooling their children and that all private schools are good schools.

The reality is that not all parents are capable of homeschooling their children. In fact, a study by the National Home Education Research Institute found that only about 20% of homeschooled children are actually taught by their parents. The rest are taught by tutors or other adults.

Additionally, not all private schools are good schools. A study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that only about 60% of private schools are accredited. The rest are not held to the same standards as public schools.

Walters's approach to ending public education would leave many children without a quality education. It would also put a financial burden on families who cannot afford to send their children to private schools.

Instead of ending public education, we should be working to improve it. We should be investing in our schools and our teachers. We should be making sure that all children have access to a quality education, regardless of their parents' income.

Ryan Walters's approach to ending public education is wrong-headed and harmful. We should reject it and instead work to improve our public schools.

In addition to the above, here are some other reasons why I disagree with Ryan Walters's approach to ending public education:

  • Public education is a public good. It is not a private good that can be bought and sold. Everyone, regardless of their income, should have access to a quality education.
  • Public education is the great equalizer. It gives everyone, regardless of their background, a chance to succeed. It is the engine of social mobility.
  • Public education is essential for democracy. It teaches our children the skills they need to be informed citizens. It teaches them how to think critically and how to make informed decisions.

I urge you to join me in rejecting Ryan Walters's approach to ending public education. Let's work together to improve our public schools so that all children have the opportunity to succeed.

Report: Education Department won’t apply for some grants