Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Special Late Nite Cap EXTRA 10-8-13 #EDCHAT #P2 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk

Nite Cap EXTRA


The People of Wikileaks Versus Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai at the United Nations   This is why so-called liberals get me mad. Someone posting under the Twitter handle Wikileaks believes Chelsea [formerly known as Bradley] Manning should win the Nobel Peace Prize over “pro-war favorite” Malala Yousafzai. Specifically, they said: Why Guardian likely excluded Manning from 2013 Nobel Prize popular vote – he wins over pro-war favourite, Malala

Are you driving or drifting?
I have a post it on my computer that simply states, “Be intentional.” Did you know that every single day you’re choosing to either move forward or move backward? There really never is a standing still, especially in this field we call education. From the lessons you choose to deliver to the conversations you choose not to have…you’re either driving towards greatness or drifting away from it.   Ar

Strauss: Georgia Tech investigating 'rapebait' e-mail
Georgia Tech university officials are investigating reports that an undergraduate member sent an email to fellow fraternity members that provided a lewd, detailed guide on "luring rapebait." The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that that Georgia Tech officials gave the newspaper a statement that said: Read full article >>    

Who are the 99%?
The House voted to reduce food stamp benefits (the program is now called SNAP actually, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, so you can sound odd while starving; it also uses a debit card system now, not actual stamps or coupons anymore.) In the U.S. forty-seven million people get SNAP. In Ohio, like most places, they pay out the whole state on the first of the month, millions of people, Pa

Teacher or Parent: Does One Role Trump the Other?
"Teaching, like parenting, is a complex and challenging job that requires a certain amount of participation to fully understand the job. To fully understand what teaching entails, one has to do the job." Teacher, parent, and CTQ blogger Julie Hiltz shares about the learning curve of becoming a parent after becoming a teacher. See what other insights she shares by clicking and adding your
Hip Hop Artist Makes Learning Science Fascinating
Bringing a popular form of artistic expression into the world of science classrooms makes the content relevant and stimulating for underprivileged students.

Malibu students relocated amid health concerns
Students in 11 middle school classrooms on the Malibu High School campus will be relocated to classrooms at the high school and a nearby elementary school after parents and teachers voiced concerns about potential contaminants in a building.

Vladovic Apologizes, Escapes Further Action Board — For Now
Richard Vladovic After a tense, four-hour closed meeting with his LA Unified Board colleagues, President Richard Vladovic opened a brief public session admitting that he had violated the district’s code of conduct and apologizing to employees he may have harmed. “I did get upset at people,” he said. “I did tell them things I shouldn’t have told them.” He said he has a “passion for the district, an

“The 21 Luckiest People In The Entire World” Is A Great GIF Collection For ELLs
The 21 Luckiest People In The Entire World is a pretty amazing GIF collection from BuzzFeed. Show these to English Language Learners and have them describe what they are watching, perhaps alternating with the Back-To-The-Screen exercise I use with videos (read about it here). I guarantee that you’ll have a highly-engaging lesson…

New Jersey State Troopers schooled in Muslim culture
Questions about the veil and other facets of Islamic faith and culture are at the heart of the one-hour class, now a requirement for every New Jersey state trooper, that emerged from anxiety and acrimony following news last year that New York City detectives were spying on New Jersey Muslims.

How to teach students to hate human rights (and other subjects)…
As a teacher “implementing” Common Core, I’ve enjoyed reading the Burkins and Yaris blog. They’re writing is pretty accessible, and they are great at separating the wheat from the chaff with the standards. A recent post on their blog was pretty disheartening. Kim Yaris’ son had come home after a week of lessons on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in tears hating the lesson, and the docume

The Next Internet Radio Show
It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkk!!! Thursday nigh, 10/9/13, 9 PM EDT.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nyinternetradio/2013/10/11/new-york-education-show First guest the incomparable Gail Richmond of New York BadAss Teachers.  About Gail:Retired Music Teacher 34 years w/ Greenville Central School DistrictUnion President 12 yearsEducation ActivistSpeakerOccupied the USDOE with United Opt Out

RttT Has Failed To Deliver | jointhefuture.org
As ODE prepares to dig through hundreds of Straight A Fund applications, Race-to-the-Top, it’s big brother in the dog-eat-dog world of funding schools through competitive grant making is looking like a big flop according to a new report published by the Economic Policy Institute. The report finds via RttT Has Failed To Deliver.The post RttT Has Failed To Deliver | jointhefuture.org appeared first

Kansas Legislature Threatens Showdown With Court Over School Financing
As advocates of higher school funding brought their request to the State Supreme Court, the conservative Legislature vowed to defy any orders that it felt trampled on its sovereignty.    
Amamantar puede ser más fácil con Obamacare
La cultura latina promueve el saludable hábito de amamantar a los bebés generalmente hasta su primer año, pero al llegar a los Estados Unidos las latinas encontramos más retador el mantener esta costumbre que tanto impacta nuestra salud, pero sobre todo la de nuestros hijos. Las razones de este cambio de comportamiento varían en cada caso. Van desde la barrera idiomática que le puede impedir a la

L.A. Unified: investigation into board president's behavior is confidential
; Credit: via vladovic.laschoolboard.org The Los Angeles Unified school district has concluded an investigation into complaints about its board president’s behavior, including an allegation of sexual harassment, but the district said the results are confidential. District employees complained that Richard Vladovic made offensive jokes, had angry outbursts, mocked a coworker’s sexual orientation a

Our First 2014 Internet Ad - One More Chance

October’s (2013) Best Tweets — Part Two
Every month I make a few short lists highlighting my choices of the best resources I shared through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. I’ve already shared in earlier posts several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit to those from whom I learned about them. Those are not included again in this post. If you don’t use Twit

AFT President Randi Weingarten’s remarks at the Concert and March for Immigrant Dignity and Respect

AFT President Randi Weingarten’s remarks at the Concert and March for Immigrant Dignity and Respect:

AFT President Randi Weingarten’s remarks at the Concert and March for Immigrant Dignity and Respect

October 8, 2013 at 6:24pm

Good afternoon. I'm Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, a union that proudly supports dignity and respect for all immigrants.

The United States has been shaped by immigrants—by those who founded the first colonies and those who have followed ever since. By my grandparents, who sacrificed so much to make this country their adopted homeland and worked so hard once they got here. By so many others.

Immigration is part of the American DNA, our vibrancy and our strength.

 But opponents of immigration reform want to pull up the ladder. They want immigrants to remain vulnerable to mistreatment by unscrupulous employers. They want immigrants to be denied opportunities to fully contribute to society. They want this shadow economy to continue to drive down wages for all workers.

They want to shut down the government rather than opening up the doors of opportunity.

 And they don’t care about the very real human toll of our broken immigration system.  Let me share a story from an AFT teacher.

 Montserrat Garibay is an early childhood educator in Austin, Texas. She sees the impact on children and families with heartbreaking frequency. A student she had been helping with a serious speech impediment suddenly stopped coming to school. His father was in detention pending deportation—and with him the keys to the car his wife needed to get to work and to take their son to school. Montserrat worked with lawyers to obtain the car keys, but she cries when she recounts the mother asking how she could tell her son his father was not coming home.

Our current laws allow this to happen. They keep undocumented workers keep people in the shadows. They tear families apart. They cause unconscionable fear. They hurt our economy, our children and the American Dream. These oppressive policies have no place in a civilized society!

 We need comprehensive immigration reform, and we need it now. We need to reclaim the promise for all who make America home—regardless of who they are or where they were born.

 The time is now!

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 10-8-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2




Clear Cutting of Our Schools - and Sacramento
by Editorial Board. Rethinking SchoolsNo single policy reflects the bankruptcy of current education reform politics more than the mass closings of public schools. From Chicago to Washington, D.C., to New Orleans, Detroit, and Philadelphia, these mass closings lay waste to communities, negatively impact children's lives, and help to dismantle not just public education but also the broader public se

Nite Cap 10-8-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYED Pulse Poll Results: Where Does Early Childhood Education Fit Within Our National Priorities? — Whole Child EducationED Pulse Poll Results: Where Does Early Childhood Education Fit Within Our National Priorities? — Whole Child Education: T

Enter the "Advancing Justice is..." Photo Contest
Win a free registration to the Advancing Justice Conference, November 14-16 in Los Angeles. The 5th Advancing Justice Conference, the first and only national conference that focuses on civil rights and social justice in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, is happening November 14-16 in Los Angeles. Want to win a free registration? Then enter the Advancing Justice Photo Contest.

Career Tech Web Enhancements
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Unveils New Web Help for Students Exploring College and Careers.

Why Are There Less Women In STEM Careers?
This article provides an interesting exploration of why there are still less women than men in science, including stereotypes, lack of encouragement and “The Big Bang Theory.”
If Charter Schools Are Public Schools, When They Go to Court Why Are Some of Them Saying They're Private?
Are charter schools really public schools? Most folks accept that they are, and they receive public funds to educate their student populations. However, over at Education Week, Anthony Cody details how in recent court cases that would've subjected charters to regulation and oversight, some charter schools and the California Charter Schools Association have argued that charters are actually private

Tell The NY Times How You Feel About “Teaching To The Test”
The New York Times will be publishing a “Sunday Dialogue” this…Sunday on the idea of “teaching to the test.” Responses must be submitted by this Thursday. You can read the Invitation to a Dialogue: Don’t Teach to the Test here. You might also be interested in The Best Posts On How To Prepare For Standardized Tests (And Why They’re Bad).

This Is The Face… #StoptheStigma
This is the face of depression.   And this:   Pretty hard to believe, right? Not really. People expect depression to look a certain way, to sound a certain way. And it doesn’t. It’s taken me a LONG time to write this. I have known it was necessary but I have been hesitant. Because I did not know where to begin. And I was afraid of the stigma. When Sonia aka Bohemian Babushka told me about her ex

What the Government Shutdown Means for You
If you have been around any social media over the past week, you are aware of the most recent problem in the United States: the Government has shutdown. Most of you have asked, “How is that even possible?” That’s a question a majority of us don’t really understand. As a student, the next question I’ve been hearing is “How does this affect us?” On the surface, it doesn’t. We still have to go to cla

Ideas for supporting #TeacherEffectiveness with #EdTech - Domain 4
Technology provides teachers with a great way to provide evidence with artifacts of their effective practice. Across the country this has been a priority for schools that are incorporating a teacher evaluation based on the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation. The model contains various components organized into the following four domains. Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Domain 2: Th

Intro to AFT's Civil, Human and Women's Rights Conference
Publication Date:  Tue, 2013-10-08 In October, the OTL Campaign partnered with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Education Association and Communities for Public Education Reform to host the AFT's Civil, Human and Women's Rights Conference in Los Angeles. At the opening town hall on Oct. 4th, participants got fired up with this video chronicling the rising grassroots an

PSAT for 10-8-13: A fall tapestry of activism!
Chicago public school advocates never rest. Here are some things you can get involved in over the next few days: Friday October 11: Free School Funding Forum with Ralph Martire When: noon-1 pm (bring a lunch if you like). Where: 70 E Lake Street, Chicago. 3rd Floor Conference room. Why: Martire is the foremost expert on Illinois school funding. Our children and our schools need more funding now.

State Worker: University of California union to ask members to authorize strike
The bare-knuckles contract brawl between the University of California and one of its larger unions has entered the next round, with an announcement Tuesday that AFSCME Local 3299 is planning to take a strike vote at the end of this month. People walk through Sproul Plaza near Sather Gate on the UC Berkeley campus on June 1, 2011.

Poorly rated: Philadelphia dominates new Pa. 'priority' schools list
Not surprisingly, Philadelphia schools account for more than half the schools flagged as among the lowest performing on the Pennsylvania Department of Education's new school rating system for 2012-13. Among about 90 schools statewide designated as "priority" -- meaning that they are rated among the lowest 5 percent in the state -- 47 are Philadelphia District-run schools, and another nin

7. Fluency Boot Camp!
Added by Kristin Jordan on February 26, 2012

Connecticut: Where laws are fricking optional
Question #1:  Must Connecticut teachers and school administrators have state certification? Answer:  Yes, it is mandatory unless you are Paul Vallas or one of a handful of other politically connected elites. Question #2:  Must Connecticut teachers and school administrators be evaluated? Answer:  Yes, it is mandatory unless you are Hartford Superintendent Christina Kishimoto. The Connecticut […]The

St. Marcus Lutheran School; Sectarian or Ecumenical? Deceptive or High Performing?
St. Marcus Lutheran School demands ownership of the Malcolm X site. I find it interesting that some public officials are encouraging that public dollars and facilities be made available to such a sectarian organization that will not serve the whole community, and in fact, makes a mockery of diversity and tolerance. For example, a posting on the St. Marcus Lutheran School web site recently stated,

iPads in the Classroom: How Did Lewisville Independent School District Get It So Right and Los Angeles Unified Get It So Wrong?
Guest post by Los Angeles resident and edublogger Understanding Equity. Contrast between LAUSD and Lewisville ISD, Lewisville, TX: One to One Technology Plan as featured in Ed Week Recently, issues surrounding the rollout of iPads to students in LAUSD have lead to media reports of breaches in security, missing iPads and indecisiveness as to the iPads take-home policy. Rollouts of iPads in other s

Salman Rushdie speaks at Madison High School
Students asked Rushdie questions about his writing process and about living in exile after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, issued a fatwa against Rushdie in 1989.

Schwyzer Quits. Apparently For Real This Time.
According to a statement posted on his website, Hugo Schwyzer has resigned his teaching position at Pasadena City College effective immediately. Schwyzer had announced his intention to resign late this summer after his admission that he’d had sex with students in the recent past. He sought to delay the resignation’s effective date until he was able to secure a disability retirement settlement from

Remainders: NYC applies — again — for district Race to the Top
New York City is among 219 districts to apply for the latest round of Race to the Top. (Politics K-12) Syracuse’s teacher evaluation s do not reflect national trends, and its union is not happy. (Teacher Beat) Washington, D.C., is inviting parents to grade the schools and other city services. (Greater Greater Ed) Middle school admissions season is here, and  experts have advice on how to proceed.

Sacramento Parents Get First Look At New Testing and Teaching Plans

Capital Public Radio News - ‎2 hours ago‎
Gabe Ross with the Sacramento City Unified School District says the focus of the new Common Core standards is different from the old STAR teaching and testing methods.

Guilford County's broken tablets,K12 outsourcing grades to India and more

The Progressive Pulse - ‎10 hours ago‎
The Idaho Virtual Academy, operated by K12, Inc., outsourced thousands of student essays for grading by reviewers in India, reports Idaho Education News.

Charter SchoolsFear Having de Blasio for a Landlord

New York Times - ‎9 hours ago‎
By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ. Published: October 8, 2013. Charter schools in New York City have flourished over the past decade, attracting donations from Wall Street, praise from leaders in business and government, and free real estate from the city.