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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: America's Worst Invasive Species: The Wonk

Jersey Jazzman: America's Worst Invasive Species: The Wonk:

America's Worst Invasive Species: The Wonk

Over the last several years, America has seen an inundation of a particularly prolific and invasive species: the Wonk.

Do not confuse the Wonk with the Scholar. The Scholar digs deep into literature and research; the Wonk merely glides over them, plucking what little it needs to satisfy his own ideological predilections. The Scholar thrives in a particular environment called "peer review"; this is a toxic place for the Wonk, which prefers to forage in a habitat called the "think tank." The Wonk sometimes imitates the plumage of the Scholar by adorning its coat with advanced degrees and endowed chairs; however, the Wonk rarely uses these to produce actual scholarship.