Monday, October 17, 2011

Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Kids These Days.....Occupy!

Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Kids These Days.....Occupy!:

Kids These Days.....Occupy!

The Occupy movement continues to grow...globally! Here in Sacramento, Cesar Chavez Park remains the center of Occupy activity, with protesters saying they will stay at the park indefinitely.

A perspective I really like on the Occupy Movement is one written by Armando Llorens, also known as Big Tent Democrat, a prominent litigation attorney and blogger, who writes at Talk Left. Big Tent Dem had been pretty ambivalent about Occupy, that is until his 17-year-old daughter became an supporter. His interview with her is included here.

This is a thoughtful young woman as the snippet below reveals. Her observations in many ways reflect those of many of my students. Please read this. And whatever you think of Occupy at this point in time, be sure that

All Education Matters: Docs About All Education for Occupiers at #OWS protests

All Education Matters: Docs About All Education for Occupiers at #OWS protests:

Docs About All Education for Occupiers at #OWS protests

A lot of folks have asked me for fliers that describe the work of All Education Matters. I already have a doc that describes the history of AEM, which, by the way, will turn a year in 1- days - can you believe it? I can't! It's amazing to think that I was in S. Korea when I incorporated. It wouldn't have been possible without your generous donations.

In any event, I have also created another doc. There is also a flier that is called "The Voices of the Indentured Educated Class." This document was created after a long-time supporter and friend of mine, Reid, asked me to draft something that personalizes the crisis. Reid, by the way, is doing amazing, amazing work for #OccupyPortland. He makes me proud to be part of the 99%, and he - like all of you - remind me why I'm

Jersey Jazzman: NJ Ed Commish LOVES Small Class Sizes!

Jersey Jazzman: NJ Ed Commish LOVES Small Class Sizes!:

NJ Ed Commish LOVES Small Class Sizes!

We all know that the current political crew in NJ loves them some reformy-type reforms: charters, merit pay, vouchers, bubble testing, and whatnot.

We also know they ignore all the evidence that this nonsense will not work. But what happens when they are confronted with evidence of what actually could bring real reform? What do they say when confronted with reality?
In Freehold the talk was a little more frank about the space problem, where Superintendent of Schools Elizabeth O’Connell detailed how the student population is growing annually, but the district has no room for the additional students and can’t finance upgrading the schools to meet

Are You a 1%er or a 99%er in the #OccupyTheClassroom Movement? | The Jose Vilson

Are You a 1%er or a 99%er in the #OccupyTheClassroom Movement? | The Jose Vilson:

Are You a 1%er or a 99%er in the #OccupyTheClassroom Movement?

Paulo Freire

Good friend Stephen Lazar hit an essay out of the park yesterday (which he published early this morning). It’s worth the read because the rest of what I’m about to say is going to stir a bit of conversation around what’s what. First, a quote:

I think we, the teachers, have to bare some blame for setting the conditions that led to the Occupy

Jersey Jazzman: When Public Education's Leaders Hate Public Education #edreform

Jersey Jazzman: When Public Education's Leaders Hate Public Education:

When Public Education's Leaders Hate Public Education

Oh, dear:
Andy Smarick, the deputy education commissioner, is now a member of the governing board of a private advocacy organization seeking to bring its version of education reform — including expansion of charter schools and stricter teacher evaluation — to all 50 states, including New Jersey.
Just a case of the exercise of his First Amendment right in a field Smarick knows well? Or is it a government regulator using his position to promote his viewpoint?
David Sciarra, executive director of the Education Law Center in Newark, called

Reforming NCLB Requires Flexibility and Accountability | Blog #edreform

Reforming NCLB Requires Flexibility and Accountability | Blog:

Reforming NCLB Requires Flexibility and Accountability

Fixing No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is four years overdue. In March of 2010, the Administration unveiled its Blueprint for Reform. Since then we’ve worked on a bipartisan basis to craft a comprehensive reform bill that would help give our children the world-class education they need and deserve. Today marks an important step forward.

Senator Tom Harkin and Senator Mike Enzi — Chairman and Ranking Member respectively of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee — introduced a bipartisan bill to officially overhaul NCLB. I deeply appreciate the efforts of Senators Harkin and Enzi to build in more flexibility for states and districts, and focus on the goal of building a world-class education system that prepares all students for college and careers. Increased flexibility at the state and local level is consistent with the administration’s policy on waivers and our Blueprint for Reform.

However, it is equally important that we maintain a strong commitment to accountability for the success of all students, and I am concerned that the Senate bill does not go far enough. Parents, teachers, and state leaders across the country understand that in order to prepare all of our young people to compete in the global economy, we must hold ourselves and each other accountable at every level of the education system– from the classroom to the school district, and state as well as the federal government. In addition, I am concerned the Senate bill lacks a comprehensive evaluation and support system to guide teachers and principals in continuing to improve their practice.

America cannot retreat from reform. We must ensure that every classroom in every school is a place of high expectations and high performance. The fact that we have a bipartisan bill in the Senate is an important and positive development, but it’s only a beginning. I look forward to working with Congress in the weeks and months ahead to advance this bipartisan effort, address these and other concerns and build a world-class education system that strengthens America’s economy and secures America’s future.
Arne Duncan is the U.S. Secretary of Education

Harkin's No Child Left Behind Bill No Longer Mandates Teacher Evaluations

Harkin's No Child Left Behind Bill No Longer Mandates Teacher Evaluations:

Harkin's No Child Left Behind Bill No Longer Mandates Teacher Evaluations

Harkin Enzi No Child Left Behind

Posted: 10/17/11 07:49 PM ET

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) shifted a major teacher evaluation requirement out of his rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- known as No Child Left Behind -- over the weekend, shifting the dynamics of the debate over the bill's passage.

The initial sweeping education law called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was enacted in 1965, and a 2001 reauthorization under George W. Bush took on the name, "No Child Left Behind." The law has been up for reauthorization since 2007. Harkin's rewrite, the first comprehensive reform to the legislation, came out of negotiations with Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions committee that Harkin chairs.

Harkin released a draft of the bill last week that required school districts and states which receive educator development funding to create teacher evaluation systems that would take student performance into account. But changes over the weekend through a manager's amendment removed the requirement from the bill, instead shifting the teacher evaluation component to a competitive grant program called the Teacher Incentive Fund.

A Harkin staffer told The Huffington Post that the changes resulted from conversations with teachers, teachers' unions, and HELP committee members. Harkin reluctantly shifted the language in search

Best Questions: Professional Learning Communities « Whole Child Education

The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education:

Best Questions: Professional Learning Communities

Despite the rumors, school improvement is hard. It’s not about a single passionate leader. It’s not about “fixing” teachers and teaching or parents and parenting. It’s not about poverty. It’s not about money. And it’s not about standards. It’s about all of them. And more.

In this column, I’ll take on the real deal of school improvement—for all schools, not just certain kinds. And for all kids. Because it’s not about quick fixes or checking off the instant strategy of the moment. It’s about saying, “Yes, and…” not “Yes, but…” no matter what our circumstances. It’s about asking ourselves the best questions.

“Lifelong learners” is at best a description of a healthy, dynamic culture; at worst, an overused cliché running

Big Education Ape: 10-17-11 PM Page 2 #edreform

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:

Published by Coopmike48 – 6 news spotters today


Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky's blog - The veto session begins in one week. Every reader of this blog now must contact their own General Assembly representative every day. By personal contact. By phone. By fax or personal email. Or by u...


The “Continuous Narrowing” of ESEA « Common Core - In September 2009, when reauthorization of ESEA seemed imminent, Secretary Duncan said, “Let us build a law that discourages a narrowing of curriculum and promotes a well-rounded education that dra...


Online Educators Gaining Both Classes and Critics - HOUSTON — The school day was difficult, said Will Clarkston, a soft-spoken 20-year-old who, in his own words, can’t sit still. His dyslexia sometimes leaves him grasping to text the rig...


How are dues are being used. « Fred Klonsky's blog - School Tech Connect’s Tim Furman links to my post that has the two Eeyore’s, IEA Prez Cinda Klickna and Government Relations chief Jim Reed, putting the members to sleep. The video was intended to ...

fklonsky Beta - Flag petition as inappropriateBy Susan DuFresne (Contact)To be delivered to: The United States SenateDear Senators: The recent passage of H.R. 2218, the Empowering Parents Through the Quality Chart...


Starving America’s Public Schools | - Wall Street’s excesses blew up the economy. Now the question is who pays to clean up the mess. And across the country, our children are already paying part of the bill – as their schools are hit ...


THE CLIMATE OF FEAR AT BEAUDRY - editorial in Associated Administrators of Los Angeles Update - Week of October 17, 2011 | 14 October 2011 - Earlier this week an AALA member, a supervisory administrator, sent...


CER 18th Anniversary Gala - NOTORIOUS GARDEN STATE ACTIVIST TO PERFORM AT NATIONAL EDUCATION CELEBRATION WASHINGTON, DC (September 28, 2011) – Derrell Bradford, executive director of New Jersey-based Better Education for Ki...


2011 Agenda / Foundation for Excellence in Education - Education Everywhere: National Summit on Education Reform 2011Thursday, October 13, 20117:30 am Registration Opens 7: 30 – 8:15 am Breakfast Buffet8:30 – 9:00 am Welcome from Je...


New Orleans RSD — the ‘miracle’ district - The Louisiana Department Of Education just released the 2011 School Performance Data. As New Orleans has been hailed as a ‘miracle’ district, I was eager to see the results. As you might know, afte...


No Testing Week - Finding Common Ground - "We are raising a stressed out generation of students who are over-tested and overanalyzed."The other day I took some time to craft an e-mail in a Word document. I needed to take the time to make s...


WEEKEND QUOTABLES - Dr. Cornell West "If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would be on Freedom Plaza."--Upon his arrest in D.C. protestSen. Bernie Sanders"Now that Occupy Wall Street is shining a spotli...


California School Spending Among Lowest In The Nation - This article comes to us courtesy of California Watch.Budget shortfalls have pushed California's spending on public schools to a historic low, relative to the rest of the United States, according t...


This Day in History 10/17: Burgoyne Surrenders at Saratoga - Image via WikipediaEverything about the Battle of Saratoga–including its name–has been scrubbed clean by scores of textbooks. On October 17, 1777, after a punishing four-month campaign, British gen...


Harkin-Enzi Bill Improved... Or Ruined? - October 17, 2011 | Posted At: 06:30 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Best of the Blogs & Pundits , NCLB News Harkin – Enzi ESEA Bill Now Officially Bad Kevin Carey: No bill is better than t...


Big Class Takes a Big Step Towards Literacy - Education - The number of illiterate adults in New Orleans is nearly twice that of the national average, a statistic that's all the more frightening when we consider their children. For an elementary school st...


Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky's blog - Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky's blog:Pension Call Fred KlonskyThe veto session begins in one week. Every reader of this blog now must contact their own General Assembly representa...


Blog posts on this issue - The White House Office of the First Lady For Immediate Release October 17, 2011 South Lawn3:38 P.M. EDTMRS. OBAMA: Man, isn't that something? (Applause.) Hello everyone, and welcome to the White Ho...


In Case You Missed it - Check out the most recent ASCD highlights: ASCD Author Bryan Goodwin says it may not be the program that doesn’t work, it might be that the way it's implemented is all wrong. Simply knowing and ta...


Five Strategies for Supporting Gifted Students - Last week's most-clicked ASCD SmartBrief article echoes a previous most-clicked report from the Fordham Foundation that claims policies focused exclusively on low achievers disserve high achievers,...


Loving my i-pad in the Classroom! - I love using my i-pad in the classroom sooo much that I want more of them! I know I may be a little late to this game and that many teachers who are reading this are most likely beyond what I ha...


Senators announce agreement on education law - WASHINGTON—Signaling some unity in the Senate on overhauling the "No Child Left Behind" law, two senators announced Monday an agreement to move forward on bipartisan legislation to revamp it.Soon a...


Generational Divide in Education « My Island View - Generational Divide in Education « My Island View:Generational Divide in Educationby tomwhitbyIt is my birthday today, so please forgive me for allowing my contemplation once again lead us down a w...


Quick Hits (10.17.11) - Substitute ESEA bill. You’ve heard by now, we assume, of the ESEA substitute bill posted this morning. As Policy Analyst Anne Hyslop explains, the changes correspond with concerns expressed by advo...


Rules Are Made to Be Broken, and Fixed – SchoolBook - Oct. 17, 2011, 3:20 p.m. The first few weeks of school feel like rehearsal for both students and teacher. We go through routines slowly: practicing how to enter and exit the classroom, seeing how q...


Keeping Teachers Off the Unemployment Line - “I don’t want teachers on the unemployment line. I want them in the classroom,” Secretary Duncan said last Friday at an American Jobs Act roundtable in Richmond, Va. “This is really a moment of tru...


The science of recess | EdNews Parent - AURORA – With 770 students squeezed into a school building designed to accommodate just 425, classroom space at Aurora’s Elkhart Elementary School is at a premium. Elkhart Elementary's new Peaceful...
