Saturday, March 19, 2011

Department of Education wants principals to censor student speech |

Department of Education wants principals to censor student speech |

Department of Education wants principals to censor student speech

Under the guise of defeating bullying, the US Department of Education has stated that it wants school principals to censor student speech, particularly in the cafeteria and at online sites, such as Facebook. School principals are being threatened by the DOE with lawsuits if they do not adhere to what special interest groups deem to be harassment of students. Facebook is delighted to help while the National School Board Association is the only vocal opponent of such a measure.

The agency’s threats, which are delivered in a so-called “Dear Colleague” letter,” have the support of White House officials, including President Barack Obama, who held a Mar. 10 White House meeting to promote the initiative as a federal “anti-bullying” policy.

The letter says federal officials have reinterpreted the civil-rights laws that

Jersey Jazzman: "Mommy, why do people hate teachers?"

Jersey Jazzman: "Mommy, why do people hate teachers?"

"Mommy, why do people hate teachers?"

When I picked up my first grader from school today, at five o'clock because I work late on Fridays, he told me a gut-wrenching tale of what happened today. Here is our conversation:

"Mom, you won't believe what happened today. [Jimmy] got in trouble because he was running around the room, and when [the teacher] told him to sit down, he said, 'My dad says I don't have to listen to you. He said teachers are stupid, lazy, and

Big Education Ape: 3-19-11, Special PM #wiunion Edition #wearewi #p2 #solidaritywi

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

#wiunion - (Photo by Jessica Kramer, via Flickr.) You’ve been reading a lot lately about the extreme, slash-and-burn partisan agendas of new Republican governors across the country — who are engaging in a no-...

coopmike48 - In Portugal, November 2010 general strike called by the Communist Party-led CGTP and the Socialist Party-led UGT was massively supported, with 3 million strikers out of a workforce of 4.7 million. ...

coopmike48 - NEWARK — When Glenn McGregor started teaching at Newark High School in 1972, public employees didn’t have collective bargaining rights.McGregor’s salary was so low he had to apply for food stamps, ...

coopmike48 - Democurmudgeon: Biden chimes in on Union support in a big way.Biden chimes in on Union support in a big way. From Ed Schultz:The Walker/Luntz timeline very suspicious, possibly illegal!! I have to ...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSLIV...

coopmike48 - SCOTT WALKER | governor of Wisconsin | | Posted: Saturday, March 19, 2011 6:30 am Imagine the outrage if government workers did not have collective bargaining for wages and benefits. Co...

coopmike48 - The movement to recall Walker and his Republican goons is gaining momentum. Hundreds of thousands of workers and young people are looking towards the recall to strike back and teach corporate polit...

coopmike48 - Protesters continue to March in Madison for workers' rights today, but plenty of people are out collecting signatures to recall the eight Republican senators who voted against workers. If only thre...

coopmike48 - March 19, 2011 11:39 a.m. | Defending Wisconsin PAC, a political action committee formed for the purposes of recalling Gov. Scott Walker, has announced that it also plans to try to recall Atty. Gen...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 10 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSLIV...

coopmike48 - Posted Saturday, March 19, 2011 --- 8:10 a.m. Here is the latest Wisconsin news from The Associated Press MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The hotly disputed collective bargaining bill that Republican Gov. Sco...

coopmike48 - by bluecheddar Dear Wisconsin, Nation, friends, and enemies: you deserve some comic relief. Bill O’Reilly: show us your finger-walking. Posted on Saturday, March 19th, 2011 at 2:23 am in Uncategori...

coopmike48 - CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - Nevada's counties have complained loudly that their state overlords plan to steal tax revenue and force on them services provided by the state. Gov. Brian Sandoval's budget...

coopmike48 - innesota Republican House members are rushing to meet their own newly imposed deadline for balancing Minnesota’s budget. The fiscal bill deadline is March 25th, which has forced the House Tax Commi...

coopmike48 - “America is NOT broke.” Michael Moore in Madison, Wisconsin on March 5, 2011: America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it’s not in your hand...

coopmike48 - By Hotline Staff March 19, 2011 | 6:30 PMWhat we at The Hotline learned this week:Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) made some news by raising questions about the long-term wisdom of an American mi...

coopmike48 - Wisconsin Republicans Know They Have A Fight On Their Hands With Recall Efforts « CAFFEINATED POLITICSWisconsin Republicans Know They Have A Fight On Their Hands With Recall EffortsMARCH 19, 2011by...

coopmike48 - Momma Politico: On Being Powerless: Guest Post from @jillsmoOn Being Powerless: Guest Post from @jillsmoby (mommapolitico)WI Workers protesting union-stripping and billionai...

coopmike48 - March 19, 2011 4:34 p.m. | Those who follow or practice politics sometimes get presented with a choice: Be for "good government" or for a desired or desirable outcome. But it's often a false choice...

coopmike48 - No less than the future of the state hangs in the balance. As I said at the heat of the debate over President Barack Obama's campaign to reform the American health care system, history is messy whe...

coopmike48 - By SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press Scott Bauer, Associated Press – Mon Mar 14, 9:40 pm ET MADISON, Wis. – School boards and local governments across Wisconsin are rushing to reach agreements with uni...


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coopmike48 CTU Protest Of TIFs Leads To Arrests | Progress Illinois #p2 #WIUNION #Edu19 minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 a Community Dialogue with Professor Elizabeth Warren - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: Ed News Now is out! 1 minute ago · reply

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coopmike48 Newark crowd rallies against Senate Bill 5 | The Newark Advocate | - #WIUNION22 minutes ago · reply - CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- The West Virginia AFL-CIO is supporting House Speaker Rick Thompson in his bid for governor.The union announced its endorsement of the Wayne County Democrat on Saturday. Thomps...

coopmike48 - Home » Featured, News 19 March 2011 25 views No Comment Roz Harris,vice president MTEA ( Milwaukee Teachers Education Association) and her husband Wendell Harris are pictured with members of the St...

coopmike48 - digg_url=""; According to the CT Mirror, Joseph Lieberman is drafting legislation that would require states t...

coopmike48 - Evidently, “Walker’s wankers” in the legislature expect everybody in the state to be as dumbass backward at the silently stupid tea party deficit hawks, who still haven’t noticed their taxes being ...

coopmike48 - Defending Wisconsin | Recall Scott WalkerHOME | STAY INFORMED | VOLUNTEER | FORUM | MAILING LIST | PETITION | DONATION | VIDEO | CONTACT the citizens of Wisc...

coopmike48 - Content Preview Newsday/Optimum Online® subscribers click here for full access Not a Newsday or Optimum Online® subscriber? Click here Published: March 18, 2011 6:23 PM Photo credit: AP | Wisconsin...

coopmike48 - Ohio Governor Gets 3,000 Boos | Labor NotesOhio Governor Gets 3,000 BoosHoward Ryan| March 18, 2011Firefighter Dan Rihm uses a bullhorn to rally the thousands of activists protesting Ohio Senate B...

coopmike48 - I was proud to be part of two big demonstrations of democracy recently, one in Madison and one in Washburn (aka "Madison North").On Sat., Feb. 26, in Madison, we marched for workers' rights and for...

coopmike48 - CTU Protest Of TIFs Leads To Arrests | Progress IllinoisCTU Protest Of TIFs Leads To ArrestsJackson Potter, a Little Village High School of Social Justice teacher and member of the Chicago Teachers...

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coopmike48 - There is nothing more telling than Walker’s stated priorities:CapTimes: Today's announcement , freezing enrollment in the state's BadgerCare Basic plan, is the first specific and significant action...
