Monday, September 20, 2010

Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: The Texas State Board of Education: Now Promoting Islamophobia?

Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: The Texas State Board of Education: Now Promoting Islamophobia?
Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.

Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.

Posted: September 20, 2010 06:00 PM

Islamophobia, the virulent strain of religious hatred that has been spreading like wildfire across the country, is set to put in an appearance at the Texas State Board of Education.

Given how politicized the Board has been, and given how members regularly focus on religion and politics rather than education, this certainly shouldn't be surprising. But a lack of surprise doesn't make the impending actions any less unsettling. Indeed, watching the Board move in this direction is very much like watching a car wreck in slow motion. All the players are in place, they're heading for one another with the ensuing collision certain to yield dire consequences, and all you can do is sit there with your jaw dropped, hoping that what you're seeing isn't real.

In this case, it's all too real. But, perhaps with enough public outcry, Board members will act to avert the impending disaster. Then again, this is the Board that ignored the advice of science

N.J. education officials announce allocation of $268M in federal funds |

N.J. education officials announce allocation of $268M in federal funds |

N.J. education officials announce allocation of $268M in federal funds

Published: Monday, September 20, 2010, 5:35 PM Updated: Monday, September 20, 2010, 5:43 PM
newark-school.JPGStudents and their parents leave the Speedway School on South Orange Avenue in Newark.

TRENTON — New Jersey's largest and poorest school districts will get the biggest boost from new federal education funding.

The state Education Department today told districts how it will allocate $268 million provided to New Jersey last month by Congress as part of a bill to save education jobs.