Sunday, August 23, 2009

A $5 Billion Bet on Better Education

Letter From Washington - A $5 Billion Bet on Better Education -

A recent study by Stanford University found mixed results on charter schools, which began in the 1990s and now number 4,600. In 17 percent of cases, especially in high-poverty areas, charters provided clearly superior education to the traditional public schools. But more than a third of the schools were actually inferior to the public schools, Stanford researchers found.

Teachers and their unions are skeptical about linking instructor evaluations and rewards to student test scores, arguing that it only would encourage teaching to tests, not creating richer learning experiences for children.

The largest teachers’ organization, the National Education Association, finds particular resistance in a number of its state affiliates.

Even Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, which has an urban focus and a history of working with school reformers, says: “By doing this through regulation and not legislation, I worry that Arne will get some short-term results, but he’s not creating long-term educational reform,” she said.

Board Meeting Video

Board Meeting Video:

"Heidi McLean
Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Asks the Tough Questions"

A Tribute to
L'eo Bennett Cauchon- Parent
Yearning to be Engaged

Louis Yanez
PTA VP of Thedore Judah Elementary
Honored by SCUSD Board for Outstanding Service

SCUSD Out of the Loop at John Morse

Editorial: Detroit schools, teachers union should follow N.Y.'s lead | | The Detroit News

Editorial: Detroit schools, teachers union should follow N.Y.'s lead The Detroit News:

"Early this summer, Detroit Federation of Teachers union President Keith Johnson told The Detroit News 'seniority is sacred.' Johnson added that he would do everything possible to protect that clause in the current contract.
But as Weingarten herself pointed out, tenure should never be mistaken for 'lifetime job security.'"

UFT, Green Dot reach tentative contract agreement for Bronx charter - United Federation of Teachers:
"Green Dot salary and benefits at a glance

Runs from Aug. 25, 2008, through Aug. 31, 2011.DUE PROCESS

A just cause standard for discipline and dismissal, which begins for teachers and guidance counselors on the first day of employment [no probationary period].

A four-step grievance procedure which ends in binding arbitration.A professional mediation process for any school-based disagreement or issue.


School-based policy committees, with UFT member majorities democratically selected by the UFT chapter, for leadership, professional development, budget, calendar and programming, and pay stipends.A professional evaluation system based on the principles of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.


A 14 percent premium on the New York City Department of Education salary scale, with a maximum teacher salary of over $114,000.Participation in a GHI-HIP Health Plan modeled after those available to New York City municipal employees, in the UFT Welfare Fund and in the pension and Tax-Deferred Annuity program of the Teachers’ Retirement System.


An “untimed” professional workday which includes the student day, staff meetings, professional development and preparation time, and the New York City Department of Education school calendar, with eight additional professional development days.Smart boards in every classroom and laptops for all educators.

For links to the entire contract, go to"

Steiny: Schools shouldn’t use data only as a way to beat up on teachers | Julia Steiny | | The Providence Journal

Steiny: Schools shouldn’t use data only as a way to beat up on teachers Julia Steiny The Providence Journal

"By far the best thing No Child Left Behind (NCLB) did was to force states to build robust data systems. The worst thing it did was use a subset of that data, mainly test scores, to jump to ugly conclusions, like schools weren’t “meeting expectations,” a euphemism for failure. NCLB measures everything in the negative. In five years, when all kids in all schools MUST be 100 percent proficient, even the rich kids’ schools will be failures. By then, NCLB will have created equal opportunities for all teachers to resent data."

Rhee Spells Out Teaching Expectations With 200-Page 'Learning Framework' -

Rhee Spells Out Teaching Expectations With 200-Page 'Learning Framework' -

"Teachers will be subject to revamped evaluations based in part on the new teaching and learning framework, which will deploy a corps of 'master teachers' to join principals in assessing instructors. The changes are an attempt to make performance reviews more objective and less vulnerable to school politics or personal issues. The new evaluations also are expected to include improvement in student test scores as part of the criteria by which some instructors will be judged.
Students will face a revised disciplinary code, with an emphasis on defusing conflicts before they start and minimizing the use of suspensions that keep students home or on the streets instead of in class." - Press Release Distribution - PR Agency - Press Release Distribution - PR Agency: "( -

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan issued the following statement today in response to news that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has called for a special legislative session to address education reform:

When I visited California in May, I challenged the education leaders -- I asked them if their state was going to lead the Race to the Top or if they were going to lead the retreat. I am encouraged by the governor's proposal which appears to be consistent with the reforms the President and I have outlined. I am hopeful the education package the governor has proposed will garner the support it needs to pass ultimately removing a legislative barrier that prohibits the state from distinguishing good teachers from bad teachers. These are tough decisions that will not only require the political will of the governor but also that of the elected officials, unions, legislators and community leaders. California may indeed serve as an example to other states that are facing similar challenges -- this is a step in the right direction."

GOP donors wait as out-of-staters lift Bennet - The Denver Post

GOP donors wait as out-of-staters lift Bennet - The Denver Post:

"A California fundraiser for Bennet attracted Hollywood and education interests. It was hosted by philanthropist Eli Broad, who knows Bennet, the former superintendent of Denver Public Schools, from education-reform efforts, said Bennet's campaign manager Craig Hughes.
Donors included actress Jami Gertz and several Hollywood producers. Bennet also got donations from National Basketball Association commissioner David Stern and Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a former NBA star."

Charter teaches lesson in stonewalling » Redding Record Searchlight

Charter teaches lesson in stonewalling » Redding Record Searchlight:

"After a recent investigation of the school, the California Financial Crisis and Management Assistance Team stopped short of direct accusations of financial wrongdoing. But it did report conflicts of interest by the superintendent, Henry Bietz, that appear to violate state law, and investigators noted lax financial controls that, as the report delicately put it, 'increase the probability that fraud and/or abuse can occur.'"

Failing California Charter Schools
California Charters Closed by Category (103 Schools)

The Press Republican - Article: Educators endorse community schools

The Press Republican - Article: Educators endorse community schools:

"It's said it takes a community to raise a child.

Educators agree.

So a resurgence in the concept of community schooling is under way as school districts across the country transform academic buildings into one-stop centers for health and dental care, mental-health counseling, social services and family resources — on top of academic offerings."

New law boosts parental involvement in school activities - Living -

New Nevada law boosts parental involvement in school activities - Living -

"A new Nevada state law that went into effect Aug. 15 gives parents, guardians and custodians of public and private school students the right to take off four hours of unpaid time per child per school year to participate in school activities.

Parent-teacher conferences. Pitching in as a room mother or father. Such activities likely will be covered under the law, which prohibits employers from firing, demoting, suspending or otherwise discriminating against parents who choose to take advantage of it"

What is the California Family-School Partnership Act law?

The Family-School Partnership Act is a California law that allows parents, grandparents, and guardians to take time off from work to participate in their children's school or child care activities. The law (Labor Code Section 230.8) first took effect in 1995. Its provisions were expanded in 1997 to add licensed child day care facilities to the kindergarten-through-grade-twelve levels included in the original legislation.
What opportunities am I offered under this law?
If the following criteria are met, you may take off up to 40 hours each year (up to eight hours in any calendar month) to participate in activities at your child's school or day care facility:
You are a parent, guardian, or grandparent who has custody of a child enrolled in a California public or private school, kindergarten through grade twelve, or licensed child day care facility.
You work for a business that has 25 or more employees at the same location.
How should I account for my time off work?
The law allows you to use existing vacation time, personal leave, or compensatory time off to account for the time you use participating in your child's school or child care activities. You may also use time off without pay if permitted by your employer. The employee, not the employer, chooses from the options that are available.

Change agent: HISD trustees have put a forceful career educator at the helm | Editorial | - Houston Chronicle

Change agent: HISD trustees have put a forceful career educator at the helm Editorial - Houston Chronicle:

"As a career superintendent graduating to ever-larger systems, Grier has led eight different public school districts in the past quarter century and been forced out of several by contentious boards. He was fired without explanation by the board of the Sacramento City Unified School District in the mid-'90s."