Wednesday, June 14, 2023





Former President Donald Trump is at it again, folks. He's a 24/7/365 grifting machine, and he's not afraid to admit it. In fact, he recently told his supporters that grifting is better than money laundering or the gambling business. And why not? It's easier, and you don't have to worry about getting caught. Just ask his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

But I digress. The real story here is that Trump has raised a whopping $18.8 million in the first quarter of 2023 through his joint fundraising committee and his campaign. That's a lot of dough, folks. Especially considering he's not even running for president... yet.

So, what's he doing with all that money, you ask? Well, according to sources close to the former president, he's using it to fund his lavish lifestyle. You know, the one where he golfs every weekend and lives in a gold-plated penthouse.

But that's not all. Trump recently sent out a message to his supporters, admonishing them to send more money. Yes, you read that right. The man who has already raised almost $19 million wants more. And he's not being subtle about it either.

In a recent tweet, Trump wrote: "My fellow Americans, I need your help. The deep state is after me, and I need your financial support to fight back. Send me your money now, and together we will make America great again... for me."

It's hard not to laugh at the audacity of it all. But let's be real here, folks. Trump knows how to play his supporters like a fiddle. He knows they'll do anything for him, including giving him their hard-earned money.

And it's not just his supporters who are contributing to his grifting machine. According to reports, Trump has been receiving large sums of money from wealthy donors who want to curry favor with him. You know, the same people who helped fund his failed reelection campaign.

But hey, who needs ethics when you have money, right? That seems to be Trump's motto these days. And if he keeps raising funds at this rate, he might just have enough to buy his way back into the White House.

So, what's the moral of this story? Well, there isn't one really. It's just another day in the life of Donald J. Trump - a man who knows how to grift like nobody's business. And if you're one of his supporters, you might want to hold on to your wallet... or send him more money. After all, he needs it more than you do, right?

Trump raises $7 million for 2024 campaign since federal indictment | Reuters

Donald Trump uses his legal woes to plead for money from supporters – again | Donald Trump | The Guardian 

Trump raised $2 million hours after arraignment - POLITICO





Are you ready for a wild ride? Because we're about to do a deep dive into the broken world of California arts education. And let me tell you, it's a hot mess.

According to California's state-mandated arts standard, students from grades first through sixth are supposed to receive instruction in dance, music, theater, and visual arts in each grade level. And from grades seventh to 12th, they're supposed to have the choice from these four buckets of arts education. Sounds great, right? Wrong.

A 2019 report by Create CA found that a whopping 89% of public schools in California were not meeting the state standards for arts education. That's right, folks. We're failing our kids when it comes to the arts. But don't worry, we've got a solution. And it involves more cowbell.

First things first, let's talk about why arts education is important. Sure, we need to focus on the three R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic), but what about the three A's (art, music, and acting)? Studies have shown that students who participate in the arts have higher GPAs, better attendance records, and are more likely to go to college. Plus, they're just happier people. Who doesn't want that?

So why are we failing our kids? It all comes down to funding. California education is underfunded, which means that schools have to make tough choices about where to allocate their resources. And unfortunately, the arts often get left behind. But fear not, because we've got a plan.

Step one: more cowbell. That's right, we're proposing a statewide initiative to bring more cowbell into the classroom. Not only is it a fun and easy instrument to play, but it also has been scientifically proven to increase happiness levels. And who doesn't want happy kids?

Step two: let's get creative. We need to start thinking outside the box when it comes to arts education. Maybe instead of traditional music classes, we could have DJ workshops. Or instead of painting classes, we could have graffiti art lessons (don't worry, parents, it'll be supervised). The possibilities are endless.

Step three: let's get the community involved. We need to start partnering with local artists and musicians to bring their expertise into the classroom. Not only will this give students a chance to learn from professionals, but it will also help build relationships between schools and their communities.

In conclusion, California arts education may be broken, but it's not beyond repair. With a little more cowbell, some creative thinking, and community involvement, we can turn things around. So let's get out there and make some noise (literally).

The way Sacramento pays for arts education is broken. Here’s what could help.



Education is like a superpower that can change lives and transform societies. It can help people escape poverty, achieve equality, and enjoy freedom. However, millions of children and adults around the world are still denied their right to education due to various obstacles and challenges.

What is the right to education?

The right to education means that every human being has the right to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. It's like having a VIP pass to the world of knowledge and wisdom. Education should be free, compulsory and universal at the primary level, accessible and progressively free at the secondary and higher levels, and relevant and inclusive for all.

The right to education is not just a fancy idea or a utopian dream. It's a legal obligation for all countries that have signed international conventions and treaties, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention against Discrimination in Education, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. These instruments oblige states to respect, protect and fulfill the right to education for everyone within their jurisdiction.

Why is the right to education important?

The right to education is important because it can make you smarter, healthier, happier, and cooler. Some of the benefits of education are:

  • - It can boost your brainpower and creativity by exposing you to new ideas, concepts, and perspectives. It's like doing mental gymnastics or yoga.
  • - It can improve your job prospects and income potential by equipping you with skills, knowledge, and credentials that employers value. It's like having a golden ticket to the job market.
  • - It can enhance your social status and well-being by connecting you with diverse people, cultures, and communities. It's like having a passport to the world.
  • - It can empower you as a citizen and human being by enabling you to participate in civic life, express your opinions, and defend your rights. It's like having a superhero cape.

What are the challenges to the right to education?

Despite the awesomeness of education, many people still face hurdles and barriers in accessing quality education. Some of the challenges are:

  • - Lack of resources and political will to provide adequate funding, infrastructure, teachers, materials, and curricula for education systems. It's like having a party without music, food, or drinks.
  • - Social and cultural norms that exclude or marginalize certain groups from education, such as girls, women, minorities, refugees, migrants, persons with disabilities, and indigenous peoples. It's like having a VIP party that only allows rich white men.
  • - Conflicts, disasters, and emergencies that disrupt or destroy educational facilities and services. It's like having a party that gets crashed by zombies or aliens.

In conclusion, education is not only a right but also a privilege that should be available to everyone. It's like having a ticket to ride the rollercoaster of life. So let's make sure that we respect, protect, and fulfill the right to education for all. After all, knowledge is power, but also fun!

The Right to Education Is a Key to Freedom via @RollingStone 





Scaling impact in education for transformative change is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a systemic approach to achieve meaningful outcomes. In today's rapidly changing world, education plays a critical role in shaping the future of individuals and societies. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that education systems are equipped to meet the needs of learners and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

To achieve transformative change in education, scaling impact is necessary. Scaling impact refers to the process of expanding successful educational interventions to reach a larger population and achieve a greater impact. However, scaling impact is not just about expanding the reach of educational interventions; it is also about ensuring the quality and sustainability of these interventions.

One of the key challenges of scaling impact in education is ensuring that educational interventions are evidence-based and effective. Educational interventions must be grounded in research and data to ensure that they are effective in achieving their intended outcomes. Additionally, educational interventions must be adaptable to different contexts and cultures to ensure that they can be scaled effectively.

Another challenge of scaling impact in education is ensuring that interventions are sustainable and have a long-term impact. This requires a focus on building local capacity and empowering communities to take ownership of educational interventions. For example, providing professional development opportunities for teachers and involving parents and community members in the design and implementation of educational interventions can help to build local capacity and ensure sustainability.

To scale impact in education, it is also important to address systemic barriers that prevent access to quality education. This includes addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination that can limit access to education. Additionally, it requires a focus on policy change at the national and international levels to ensure that education systems are adequately resourced and supported.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the privatization of education systems and the role of billionaires in shaping education policy. Privatization can have negative consequences for access to quality education, particularly for marginalized communities. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that education systems remain public and adequately resourced to meet the needs of all learners.

In conclusion, scaling impact in education for transformative change requires a systemic approach that addresses both the quality and sustainability of educational interventions. It requires a focus on evidence-based practices, building local capacity, addressing systemic barriers, and advocating for policy change at the national and international levels. By working together, we can ensure that education systems are equipped to meet the needs of learners and prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Scaling impact in education for transformative change





Are you ready to learn about the world of education rights? Buckle up, because we're about to explore the wild world of MAGA parents' rights versus student rights. And let me tell you, it's a real doozy.

First up, we have the right-wing front groups. These include Moms for Liberty, Nation Parents Union, and a whole bunch of dark money groups. These groups are all about fighting against things like mask mandates, vaccines, and critical race theory. Because who needs science and social justice when you've got good old-fashioned ignorance?

And let's not forget about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Koch brothers, Betsy DeVos, the Mercers, and all those MAGA billionaires. They're all in on the action, funding and influencing these attacks on education. Because who needs a well-educated populace when you've got a bunch of brainwashed minions?

But it's not just the right-wing groups that are causing a ruckus. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are pandering to parents' rights, signing bills left and right to appease their constituents. Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently signed four parental rights bills, proclaiming that "our schools are for education, not indoctrination." Because who needs critical thinking when you've got blind obedience?

But what exactly do parents' rights mean legally for schools? Well, it's a bit murky. Education Week reports that at least 30 states have laws that explicitly recognize parents' rights in education, but the extent of those rights varies widely. So basically, parents can argue for just about anything and it might hold up in court. Because who needs consistency when you've got chaos?

Liberals are trying to reclaim parents' rights from conservatives in education, but it's an uphill battle. They're up against a well-funded and well-organized machine that's determined to keep their kids ignorant and compliant. But hey, at least they're trying. Because who needs apathy when you've got hope?

So what can we do to make sure students' rights are protected in education? Well, for starters, we can listen to the experts. Harvard Graduate School of Education reminds us that "public education is a public good" and that "parental rights should not be used as a political tool." We can also support educators who are working tirelessly to provide students with a well-rounded education that includes critical thinking and social justice.

In conclusion, the battle between parents' rights and student rights in education is a complicated mess. But one thing is clear: we need to prioritize the needs of students over the desires of parents who are more concerned with their own agendas than with the well-being of their kids. Because who needs selfishness when you've got empathy?

Liberals groups like 'Stop Moms for Liberty' seek to redefine 'parents' rights' - The Washington Post 

James Meredith: Time for an American Child's Bill of Rights via @dianeravitch 

Big Education Ape: Gov. DeSantis Should Veto Florida’s Tragically Flawed So-Called ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ | by Bruce Lesley | Voices4Kids | Apr, 2021 | Medium 

Big Education Ape: Educators say parental rights bill could harm trust with students | The Texas Tribune 





In the world of education, there are those who prioritize the success of their students above all else. And then there's Oklahoma State Education Superintendent Ryan Walters, who seems to prioritize something else entirely: being a MAGA hitman.

Yes, you read that right. According to some reports, Walters has been using his position as superintendent to push a political agenda rather than focusing on what's best for the students of Oklahoma. Instead of working to improve the quality of education in the state, he's been busy promoting a certain political ideology.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of a superintendent, I picture someone who spends their days making sure that students have access to the best possible resources and opportunities. But apparently, Walters has a different idea of what his job entails. Instead of worrying about things like teacher retention rates or student achievement, he's been busy trying to turn Oklahoma into a MAGA stronghold.

It's hard to imagine how this is supposed to benefit the students of Oklahoma. Are they supposed to be inspired by Walters' political leanings? Will they be more likely to succeed in life if they're taught to blindly follow a certain political party? It all seems a bit ridiculous, if you ask me.

But hey, maybe I'm just not seeing the big picture here. Maybe there's some grand plan behind Walters' actions that I'm just not privy to. Or maybe he's just a MAGA hitman with his priorities seriously skewed.

Either way, it's clear that something needs to change. If Walters wants to truly make a positive impact on the education system in Oklahoma, he needs to start focusing on what really matters: the students. They're the ones who will be shaping the future of our country, after all.

So here's my advice to Mr. Walters: put down the MAGA hat and pick up a textbook. It's time to get back to the basics and start prioritizing education over politics. Trust me, your students will thank you for it.

School Boss’ Pro-Trump Rant Is Definition of Indoctrination via @thedailybeast

State Superintendent Ryan Walters orders staff to investigate 2 teachers accused of indoctrination