Thursday, September 29, 2011
Modern School: Over 35% of Black and Latino Children Living in Poverty
Over 35% of Black and Latino Children Living in Poverty
Michigan to Ease Charter Restrictions, Professor Says They Are “Corporate” Schools
solidaridad: Special Event - Punishing our Future: School Discipline in Los Angeles
Special Event - Punishing our Future: School Discipline in Los Angeles
I'm attending this event next week. I'm not too familiar with the organizations holding it, but anyone questioning the outrageous and racist disciplinary systems proffered by the corporate education reform camp is worth checking out. Go to the event site for full details on this panel and the speakers.
Punishing our Future: School Discipline in Los Angeles
Texas suspension and expulsion rates are no longer a secret to most, but in California, almost 800,000 suspensions and expulsions are administered
S-O-S (Social-Other-School) :: Help! S-O-S for #Parents
S-O-S (Social-Other-School)
S-O-S Research…
provides a wealth of FREE information on special needs to:
Help Your Child Reach His Potential.
“Invisible” special needs are addressed, such as autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, social & play skills, Sensory Processing Disorder, anxiety/stress, and much more.
Read on to discover what is available….
S-O-S Step-by-Step…
is an on-line special needs information guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals to use at their convenience.
And the good news is that S-O-S Step-by-Step Stage 1 is absolutely FREE!
Help! S-O-S for Parents…
is our blog providing parents and teachers with tips, helpful hints, resources, book reviews, giveaways, and more on “invisible” special needs to help your child through Social-Other-School (S-O-S) issues.
The blog features the S-O-S Team, a group of professionals with knowledge and experience in various areas. Team members contribute monthly articles giving readers valuable information in their specialties, including ADHD, anxiety, high functioning autism/Asperger’s, bipolar,social skills, special education, and more.
The blog sponsors the Best of the Best, a monthly series where fabulous bloggers submit articles on a single topic.
And the good news is that all of this is absolutely FREE!
Parent Coaches…
help parents handle issues specific to your family’s needs.
And the good news is that you can consult via phone or in-person!
Join S-O-S Step-by-Step today and get started now!
The content of this website is for informational use only. It should not be considered as medical, legal, technical or therapeutic advice, and is not intended to substitute for informed professional diagnosis, advice or therapy.
Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Seattle Times for Common Core Standards
Seattle Times for Common Core Standards
Once again, the Seattle Times got it completely wrong.
Here's a sample:
Imagine if parents could know with certainty what their children are learning and in what grade they need to learn things. The result would be a coherent educational system with the opportunity of education truly equalized.Well we already had standards here in Washington state, standards which were more clearly written than the common core standards. So parents already could know with certainty what their children were supposed to be learning and what grade they needed to learn things, yet, somehow, mysteriously, it did not result in a utopian
Ed Next’s triple-normative leap! Does the “Global Report Card” tell us anything? « School Finance 101
Ed Next’s triple-normative leap! Does the “Global Report Card” tell us anything?
Imagine trying to determine international rankings for tennis players or soccer teams entirely by a) determining how they rank relative to the average team or player in their country, then b) having only the average team or player from each country play each other in a tournament, then c) estimating how the top teams would rank when compared with each other based only on how their country’s average teams did when they played each other and how much better we think the individual teams or players are when compared to the average team or player in their country? Probably not that precise or even accurate, ya’ think?
Jay Greene and Josh McGee have produced a nifty new report and search tool that allows the average American Joe and Jane to see how their child’s local public school districts would stack up if one were to magically
Just Cause, or ”just ’cause”?
Recommended reading. Written by Sabrina Steven Schupe for her blog. Read the entire post here.
“Late last week, news broke that 75 probationary (non-”tenured”) teachers who were improperly fired under then-DCPS Chancellor Michelle Rhee would be re-instated. …
But in earlier news coverage on the local Fox affiliate, several of those teachers said they were completely taken by surprise by their dismissals, having previously received only positive evaluations about their job performance. Apparently, the information used against them was never brought to their attention until after the legal proceedings had begun, when the 75 teachers in question argued that they had never been poorly evaluated or told why they were being fired, and challenged the district’s failure to give a reason for their dismissal.
Truthfully, there are lots of reasons why a principal would move to dismiss a teacher, some of which have absolutely nothing to do with their fitness to teach. Rather than finding and