Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How CSU judges itself with a controversial student test | California Watch

How CSU judges itself with a controversial student test | California Watch

How CSU judges itself with a controversial student test

More than 200 colleges across the country, including all California State University campuses, have been using a controversial technique to judge the effectiveness of college instruction on student performance.

For the past three years, CSU's 23 campuses have participated in a little-publicized project using the Collegiate Learning Assessment, which employs a "value-added" approach to measuring students' abilities on a range o

Los Angeles, Shasta counties get federal funds to cut sodium

Two California counties will receive more than $775,000 in federal funding to reduce sodium intake in their communities, particularly at restaurants and schools.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday announced $1.9 million in grants for sodium-reduction initiatives, including $363,366 to

Insider blog tracks public salaries, from city clerks to governors

A blog catering to private investigators has compiled an impressive list of links to various sources of public employee salary data around the country.

In the wake of the salary scandal in Bell, uncovered by the Los Angeles Times in June, state officials have called

After allegations, reconstructing Whitman's immigration stance

New allegations this week that Meg Whitman employed an illegal immigrant housekeeper for nine years have sent reporters and political operatives scrambling to find foot-in-mouth moments from her vocal, hard-line stance on immigration.

You can read more about the allegations here.